Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988


March 03, 2006


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Website to Assist in Providing Better Care Sooner: Sale

Manitobans can now acquire more wait-time information to help them and their health-care providers make decisions about their diagnostic testing and treatment options, Health Minister Tim Sale announced today.

"Our improved wait-time website provides more up-to-date information about waits for tests and treatments," said Sale. "It also includes information on the government’s plan to improve wait times and our progress to date."

The enhanced website, part of the government’s long-term strategy to improve wait times for health services in Manitoba, now includes:

"Obtaining and sharing meaningful, reliable information and using that information to shorten wait lists and eliminate backlogs is one of the ways we as a government can provide better care sooner to Manitobans," said Sale.

The Wait-time Reduction Strategy was developed in consultation with health-service practitioners and stakeholders and supports the five priority areas identified by first ministers in their 10-year plan to strengthen health care.

In late October, Sale announced a $155-million, five-point plan to improve access to quality care and reduce wait times in key health-service areas. The plan includes:

"Some Manitobans continue to wait too long for needed health-care services and the province is working with health partners to improve this situation," said Sale. "However, we need the help of all Manitobans to reduce wait times by taking care of their health through healthy eating, physical activity and smoke-free living."

The website is located at

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