The gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies

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  Links to statistical agencies
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star Topic links - A to Z - Direct access to statistical data on topics of your choice.

star MapStats - Statistical profiles of States, counties, cities, Congressional Districts, and Federal judicial districts.

star Statistics by geography from U.S. agencies -- International comparisons, national, State, county, and local.

star Statistical reference shelf - Published collections of statistics available online including the Statistical Abstract of the United States.

star Search across agency websites.

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star Agencies listed alphabetically with descriptions of the statistics they provide and links to their websites, contact information, and key statistics.

star Agencies by subject - Select a subject:

star Press releases - The latest news and announcements from individual agencies.

star Kids' pages on agency websites.

star Data access tools - Selected agency online databases.

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Additional links to other statistical sites
and general government locator sites.


Federal statistical policy - Budget documents,
working papers, and Federal Register notices.

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Home page last updated September 23, 2005