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Veterans Affairs Canada: Proudly Serving Canada's Veteran Community
  July 2004

21st Century Support

The Government of Canada has unveiled plans to embark on the most wide-ranging reform of veterans' programs since the Second World War. The development of a modern-day Veterans' Charter has the potential to help thousands of releasing Canadian Forces (CF) veterans and their families who need support to re-enter civilian life. None of the changes will reduce or take away services and benefits that traditional war service veterans depend on.

As part of a new Veterans' Charter, our Department plans to research, develop, and put in place:

  • rehabilitation services to help those who are injured in body, mind or spirit, as well as job training and education;
  • a job placement program to help CF veterans re-enter the civilian workplace;
  • earnings loss support for CF veterans undergoing rehabilitation, as well as longer-term income support for members who can no longer work because of an illness or injury that is related to their service;
  • a more coordinated approach to health benefits and services that responds to the special needs of CF veterans and their families; and
  • disability awards and wellness programs to replace today's pension system for new applicants.

The approach responds to concerns raised in March in a discussion paper written by the Veterans Affairs Canada-Canadian Forces Advisory Council.

Courtesy of Cpl. Joseph Morin, 2004To help develop our approach, our Department has formed the Service and Program Modernization Task Force. This task force has already started to consult with many groups and people who have a special interest in the well-being of veterans and still-serving Canadian Forces members. The work of the task force will build on the many initiatives that have already been put in place by the Department of National Defence and our Department to improve CF members' quality of life.

You can learn more about our plans to reform programs and services, and read the Council's discussion paper, by visiting our Web site at

In This Issue
21st Century Support
Chemical Testing
Partnering with the RCL
The World Remembers
A Special Thanks
$1,000 Travel Subsidy
Health Claims
Answering Your Call
The Voice of VAC
VIP Survivor Benefit Update
Urgent Needs Legislation and Regulations
News in Brief
You are Not Alone
On-Site Smiles and Service
OSI Clinic Opens
Hurricane Juan Given SDO Status
The 7th Book of Remembrance
Take Control of Your Health
Dance Your Cares Away
Going to a Dentist or Denturist?
Go For It!
Alerting Doctors to PTSD
Introducing the Last Post Fund
Comfort and Support
Field of Honour
Congratulations Hallie!
Strength in Numbers
Our 2004/2005 Budget
Celebrating Aboriginal Veterans
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Updated: 2004-6-16