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Veterans Affairs Canada - Providers & Professionals
Veterans Affairs Canada: Proudly Serving Canada's Veteran Community
  Fall 2005

Canada Says Yes!

May 13, 2005, was a day for the history books! It marks the day that Canada passed a law to create a new Veterans Charter. This paves the way for Canada to develop new programs and services that better meet the needs of modern-day Canadian Forces (CF) Veterans and their families.

The law that creates the new Veterans Charter is called The Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act (the Act). It is the most sweeping change to Veterans' services and benefits in the past 60 years.

Now that the Act is passed, it means that Veterans Affairs Canada has the 'green light' to put in place new programs and services aimed at helping Regular and Reserve members of the Canadian Forces and their families, many of whom need support after they leave the military.

The new programs and services could be ready as early as April 1, 2006. To prepare for this, our Department is now working hard to map out:

  • what the programs and
  • services will look like; and
  • how they will be delivered.

More information on the new Charter is also on our Web site: go to the Current Features section at

Minister of Veterans Affairs

"The Charter is a living document that will keep pace with the needs of Veterans. As the details of the new Charter take shape, our Department will continue to reach out to members of the CF community and those who represent and support them. We plan to share information and welcome feedback every step of the way." - The Honourable Albina Guarnieri, Minister of Veterans Affairs

Lt. Gen. (ret'd) Roméo Dalliare, Senator

"I am proud to be part of this historic and timely initiative by our Government in support of Canada's Veterans. I believe the Charter is needed, it is the right thing to do and I look forward to it being enacted." - Lt. Gen. (ret'd) The Honourable Roméo A. Dallaire, Senator

In This Issue
Canada Says Yes
Agent Orange
The Giving Way
The Need for a New Veterans Charter
RCMP Studies Members' Needs
Straight Answers to Your Questions
Case Management
A Quality Job
Quality Health Care
Financial Support
Family Support
Then and Now
Success is Easy to Swallow
Keeping the Promise
We Can Help
Wanted: A Better Life
Revised Burial Regulations
Clearing up the Backlog
About Salute  
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Updated: 2005-9-30