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Home Providers & Professionals Table of Disabilities Chapter 06 Clothing Allowances
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Chapter 6 Clothing Allowances

6.01 - Cross Reference to VAC Policy Manual

The provisions of this Chapter should be read in conjunction with Article 38( 4),( 5),( 6),( 7),( 8) of Veterans Affairs Canada Policy Manual.

6.02 - Wear and Tear of Clothing on Account of Use of Appliances
  1. The requirements for the award of Clothing Allowances are laid down in Section 38 of the Pension Act.
  2. The rates prescribed in subsection 38( 6) of the Pension Act are subject to supplements based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI Supplement) in accordance with section 75 of the Pension Act. Awards shall be assessed in grades 1 to 10 as guided by the Table to Article 6.02.
  3. The value assigned to each grade is published annually as adjusted to the Consumer Price Index.
  Table to Article 6.02
Type of Appliance Rate
1. Upper Extremity Appliances
 a) Arm Brace #47 Grade 9
  Arm Brace #48
 b) Universal Hand Splint #40 Grade 10
  Drop Wrist Splint #46
2. Spinal Appliances
 a) Harris Brace #13 Grade 6
  Taylor Brace #15
  Camp Hyperextension
  Blair Hyperextension
  Jewett Hyperextension
  Jones Spinal
  Steindler Spinal
 b) 3/ 4 Taylor Brace Grade 8
  Castex Body Cast
  Plastic Body Corset
 c) Cervical Splint #51Grade 9
 d) Harris Brace #16 Grade 10

if wear
and tear demonstrated
  Williams Flexion Brace
  Goldthwait Spinal
  Memphis Spinal
  Orthopaedic Corset #9
  Dorsolumbar (Ottawa Truss #888)
  Dorsolumbar (Ottawa Truss #444) demonstrated
3. Lower Extremity AppliancesRate
 a) Leg Brace #69 Grade 4
  Paraplegic Braces #75
 b)Knee Cage (Jones) #68Grade 5
  Thomas Caliper Splint #70
 c) Oxford Drop Foot Splint #59 Grade 6
  Drop Foot Splint #64
  Drop Foot Splint #65
  Miller Splint
  Klenzak Drop Foot Splint
  Pope Double Drop Foot Splint
 d) Ankle Brace #63Grade 9
  Knee Corset Misc. "C"
 e)Universal Ankle Brace #57 if wear
and tear demonstratedGrade 10
  Drop Foot Lifter #58
  Drop Foot Lifter (wire) #60
  Hinged Knee Cap (Ottawa Truss #969)
  Laced Knee Cap (Ottawa Truss #971)
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6.03 - Wear and Tear of Clothing on Account of Amputation

The amounts to be paid for wear and tear of clothing on account of amputation are fixed by Subsection 38( 4)( 5) and Section 75 of the Pension Act being Grade 4 for a single amputation and Grade 3 for a double amputation.

6.04 - Specially Made Wearing Apparel

The amounts to be paid for specially made wearing apparel are fixed by Subsection 38( 8) and Section 75 of the Pension Act, being Grade 4.

6.05 - Clothing Allowance for Soiling

The maximum clothing allowance payable for soiling is Grade 5 rates as prescribed in Article 38( 4),( 5),( 6),( 7) and (8) of the VAC Policy Manual.

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Updated: 2002-3-13