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D-Day 60th Anniversary: The Archives of Ontario Remembers the Home Front - Page Banner
The Archives of Ontario Remembers the Home Front - Side Banner      

Normandie Jour J, le 6 juin 2004 - 60 - Normandy D-Day June 6, 2004


Sixty years ago, on June 6, 1944, the liberation of Europe began with the D-Day invasion, involving the combined forces of Great Britain, the United States, Canada and their allies. Several Ontario-based regiments participated in the landings and fighting on a section of the beach at Normandy code-named Juno.

Canada spent 4 years training and equipping its own armed forces and those of its allies in anticipation of participating in the liberation of Europe. During that time Canadian airmen and seamen fought in the Battle of Britain and the Battle of the Atlantic. Elements of the Canadian army helped defend Hong Kong in 1941 and led the Raid on Dieppe in 1942. The Canadian army played a significant role in the invasion of Sicily and the mainland of Italy in 1943, leading to battles at Ortona, the Liri Valley and the Gothic Line. But the main effort to defeat Germany by the Western Allies was always expected to come in northwestern Europe.


The Allied landings at Normandy on June 6th, and the subsequent break through of the German lines came at a high cost in lives and material destruction. 14,000 Canadians landed on the first day of the invasion. By the Fall of 1944, the First Canadian Army had more than 100,000 men in Europe as the long campaign to liberate France, Belgium and Holland continued.

The Archives of Ontario has many records from this period, but very few relating to the military campaigns in Europe. We are remembering the contribution of Ontario, its citizens and all Canadian soldiers on that day by exploring how the Home Front supported the war effort through the recruitment and training of soldiers, the production of arms and raising the financial resources needed to pay for it all.

Photo: Soldiers marching in the War Savings Parade, Toronto, [ca. 1945]

Click to see a larger image (109K)
Soldiers marching in the War Savings Parade,
Toronto, [ca. 1945]
Gordon W. Powley fonds
Black and white negative
Reference Code: C 5-1-0-51-3
Archives of Ontario, I0011090

Listen to four women war workers at the General Engineering munitions plant in Scarborough as they explain how they felt when they heard the invasion had begun. These clips were taken from the radio program Let's Visit (1945).

Image of speakerTo listen to the excerpt in "wav" format (3.72Mb) click here. It is also available in "aif" format (3.72Mb).

Let's Visit (1945)
General Engineering Company (Canada) fonds
Radio transcription disk
Reference Code: F 2082-1-3-1


“…he told me not to worry. I feel that our job is so much more important now because we can see how the ammunition is being used. The sooner it is turned out, the sooner they will be home. I thought a little nervous at first, then remembered this is what he had waited for five years. I am sure he is happy, now that he can play his part in helping make this world at peace for his two sons.”

Mrs. Frieda White (who received a cable from her husband just prior to the invasion)



Joining UpJoining Up Fund Raising and VolunteerismFund Raising and Volunteerism
Military Training in OntarioMilitary Training in Ontario Sources and Additional InformationSources and Additional Information

Wartime ProductionWartime Production


Note: This exhibit contains audio and video clips. To view them you will need Windows Media Player, Quicktime Player or Real Player. These players can all be downloaded for free from the respective web sites. If you wish to download a free player application, click on the appropriate graphic below.

Link to Windows Media Player Download Page Link to QuickTime Player Download Page Link to RealPlayer



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