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We remember.Aboriginal Veterans fought and lost their lives in three wars and various military actions on behalf of Canada. Many were decorated as heroes, but upon their return home, they were unable to obtain the same benefits which other Veterans enjoyed. Further, these Veterans had to extinguish their aboriginal rights, preventing them from returning to their own communities to live.

Senator Leonard S. Marchand brought this grave injustice to the attention of The Honorable Ronald A. Irwin, former Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada. Working with The Honorable Anne McLellan, former Minister of Natural Resources and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, and Aboriginal Veterans groups, the federal Government has established the Aboriginal Veterans Scholarship Trust with a contribution of $1.15 million.

Under the management of the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation, interest from the trust will provide Aboriginal youth with the opportunity to pursue a university education in all areas related to economic development and self-government. The Foundation also intends to elicit both corporate and personal donations from across Canada to further build the trust.

Aboriginal Veterans are a part of the board of directors and assist in the jury process which adjudicates applications.

The establishment of the Aboriginal Veterans Scholarship Trust will forever enshrine the contributions made by Aboriginal veterans in the defense of Canada. These honored veterans will now have the chance to contribute to the educational development of a new generation.

 Apply to the Business, Science and General Education Program

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 Aboriginal Veterans Scholarship Trust Recipients
    | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2004 |

For further information, you can write to us, call us or send us an email.

Aboriginal Veterans Scholarship Trust
Suite 33A, 70 Yorkville Avenue
Toronto, Ontario

Telephone: (416) 926-0775
Facsimile: (416) 926-7554
Toll Free: 1-800-329-9780

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