World War I

Trenches on the Web

Urgent diplomatic intercepts follow: ...St. Petersburg, July 29, 1914, 1:00 A.M. - Czar Nicholas II to Kaiser Wilhelm II: "I foresee that very soon I shall be overwhelmed by the pressure forced upon me and be forced to take extreme measures which will lead to war. Nicky"... ...Berlin, July 30, 1914, 1:20 A.M. - Kaiser Wilhelm II to Czar Nicholas II: "The whole weight of the decision lies solely on your shoulders now, [you] have to bear the responsibility for Peace or War. Willy"...

Web Site Status/News

In Memory of Mike Iavarone

Since founder Mike's Iavarone's passing, his family has asked me to look after Trenches on the Web. I promise always to honor Mike's dedication to the study of history, presenting it in the highest quality.

Mike Hanlon

Battlefield Tour - 2007

At Meurcy Farm, River Ourcq
Trenches on the Web editor Mike Hanlon, will be working with America's leading military tour company, Valor Tours of California, to lead another tour of the signature battlefields of the First World War, including all the major AEF sites, May 1-12, 2007. We will be adding the Ypres Salient, Messines, Vimy Ridge and Notre Dame de Lorette to our program, which also includes: Cantigny, the Somme, Reims, the Champagne, Blanc Mont, Verdun, St. Mihiel, the Argonne, the Marne, Chateau Thierry, Belleau Wood and the Armistice Glade. Email Mike for a brochure

New Monthly On-Line Magazine: Over the Top

Our new subscription magazine, Over the Top, will be available in January 2007. Click here for more information

An Internet History of The Great War

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"Ypres, Christmas, 1917" by Gilbert Holliday
From the ø WWI Collection at Swedish University
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"Facts are mere accessories to the truth, and we do not invite to our hearth the guest who can only remind us that on such a day we suffered calamity. Still less welcome is he who would make a Roman holiday of our misfortunes. Exaggeration of what was monstrous is quickly recognised as a sign of egotism, and that contrarious symptom of the same disease which pretends that what is accepted as monstrous was really little more than normal is equally unwelcome."

Max Plowman from Subaltern on the Somme

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You are at the "Trenches" Home Page. These pages contain information on the people, places, and events that comprised one of the worst calamities of modern history. Entire kingdoms were to vanish in the clash. The map makers of the world would be busy indeed!

The trenches are set up in such a way as to allow you to explore the "The Great War" at your own pace and in your own manner. If you don't know where to start then the Reference Library is a good bet. It is a complete catalog of everything out here. Then again, if you know what you are looking for, you can go right to the 1914-1918 Super Search Facility (although I'd hate to think you're in a hurry to get out of here).

If you have any questions about World War I or this site drop the Great War Society a line by clicking here.

Fokker DR.I

We have recently changed the structure of the Trenches. Listed below are the major starting points for visitors as well as new features. Please go to the new Reference Library for a visual representation of this site.
Good Starting Points
Reference Library
New visitors should report here. Now includes Site-Map.
Selected Tours of this Web Site
Theme based guided tours for new visitors in a hurry to get started.
1914-1918 Super Search Facility
Access the Very Best First World War Sites & Resources on the Net.
WWI Discussion Forum
Stop by and put in your two cents (francs, pfennigs, tuppence, etc...) worth! This is a link to the World War I Forum Now Hosted By the Western Front Association - U.S. Branch.
The St. Mihiel Trip-Wire
Our On-Line Newsletter
Other Items of Interest
Meet Your Fellow WWI Buffs at Our Annual Meetings
Leading Experts, Film Festival, Books Sellers & Lots of Socializing.
ø The Great War Society
Contains numerous articles and offers research assistance.
ø Doughboy Center
Comprehensive AEF resource; access to Library of Congress Veterans History Project
ø Legends and Traditions of the Great War
The Angel of Mons, the Leaning Virgin of Albert, Red Poppies, and more.
ø La Grandé Guerra: The Italian Front 1915-1918
Another fine resource brought to you by The Great War Society.
ø Western Front Association - USA Branch
News on World War I events, Literary and Essay Awards, plus excellent resources and assistance for teachers and resources.
Need WWI Links?
600+ at the WFA-USA's Links Central
Personalized Tours of the Western Front
Planning a trip to France soon? This may be of interest to you.
Trenches Help
Tips for getting around in this cyberspace "no-man's-land".


While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information presented here is accurate, let's face it, accidents and typos happen. Be aware that should you come to grievous bodily harm as a result of the information presented here, or worse yet, you get a World War I question wrong on Final Jeopardy, just remember you were warned so we won't be held accountable.

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