Canadian Mental Health Association
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The Canadian Mental Health Association is a nation-wide, charitable organization that promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness
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What's New

Toronto, February 3, 2006
New section on Youth and Self-Injury

Ottawa, January 17, 2006
Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health Encouraged by All Parties' Commitments to Take Action on Mental Health

Toronto, January 6, 2006
Seasonal changes in mood, behaviour could be SAD

Ottawa, November 24, 2005
Commission established to serve country’s mental health needs


Depression doesn't have to mean unemployment
Not enough daylight? So SAD
Idealistic love keeps people healthy, researchers try to find out why
US drug panel recommends most serious warnings for attention-deficit drugs

Mind + Body Fitness


It’s one thing to look after your body, just don’t forget about your mind. To find out more click here

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