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VAC Disability Pension Benefits for Canadian Forces Clients

Could YOU be eligible for disability benefits and health care services from Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)? To be eligible for health care services, you must first be in receipt of a disability pension from VAC.

Disability Pensions

You may be eligible for disability pension benefits if you now have, or later develop, a permanent disability resulting from an injury or disease that:

  • Was attributable to, incurred during, or aggravated by service in a theatre of war or operations or in a Special Duty Area (SDA);
  • Arose out of, was directly connected with, or aggravated by other Regular or Reserve Force service.

If you experience, or have experienced, an injury or illness during your military service, be sure to have it documented by medical personnel, and request a copy for your own files. That record could be very important if the result of your injury or illness is a permanent disability.

The Pension Act, administered by VAC, could be compared to an insurance or compensation plan that provides coverage for military personnel who suffer a permanent disability in the circumstances referred to above. The Act provides coverage under the following two principles:

Insurance Principle

  • Provides for pension coverage 24 hours a day to military personnel serving in an SDA from the time of arrival to the time of departure, whether disability or death is the result of military action or any other factor or event;
  • Disability pension benefits related to SDA service are payable while you are still serving in either the Regular or Reserve Force.

Compensation Principle

  • Pension coverage is provided for disability or death that is directly related to, or permanently worsened by peacetime, non-SDA, service factors or events.
  • Disability pensions are currently payable to still-serving Reserve Force members.


Determining Eligibility - The Process

If you believe you have a service-related disability, you should inquire about eligibility for a disability pension.

How to apply

Obtain and complete a VAC disability pension application.

Where to apply

  • VAC District Offices (visit - telephone - fax - mail);
  • A veterans' organization such as The Royal Canadian Legion;
  • DND/VAC Centre for the Support of Injured and Retired Members and Their Families.

When to apply

  • As soon as possible after suffering a service-related injury or illness, if it appears that the resulting disability will be permanent rather than short term. The effective date of pension entitlement for an SDA or Reserve Force-related disability is the date of application.
  • The proposed amendment to the Pension Act will make it possible for Regular Force members with non-SDA service-related disabilities to be awarded pension entitlement from their date of application or the coming into force of the legislation, whichever is the later date. (Check status of changes at the nearest VAC District Office, the Centre or on this VAC Web site.)

What information you supply

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Service number(s)
  • A current medical diagnosis of the condition(s) for which you are claiming a disability pension
  • Medical reports from civilian doctors (if applicable).
  • A statement outlining what you perceive to be the cause of your disability and how you relate it to your military service.

Who will help you

  • A VAC Pension Officer
  • A Service Officer of the Royal Canadian Legion or a representative of another veterans' organization.

How they assist

  • Order and review your service documents, including medical documents from DND and Public Archives, to find evidence to support your application, e.g. a report of injuries (if applicable);
  • Submit your claim to VAC Head Office for adjudication.

Once your application is submitted, a VAC pension adjudicator will:

  • Review your pension application and accompanying documentation;
  • Rule on your eligibility for pension entitlement and the assessment of your disability; and
  • Mail you the decision.


Pension Decision

Pension Entitlement

  • Based solely on the relationship between military service and disability;
  • Awarded in fifths: from one-fifth (1/5), if service played only a minimal part in the cause or worsening of the disability, to five-fifths (5/5), if the disability was incurred during or was caused in its entirety by military service;
  • Entitlement may also be awarded for a disability which is a consequence of a pensioned service-related disability.

Assessment of Disability

  • Relates to the level and extent of a disability;
  • Ranges between 0% and 100%;
  • Established by the information provided with the application where sufficient, otherwise a medical examination is arranged with a VAC doctor;
  • Based on VAC's Table of Disabilities to ensure similar assessments are awarded for similar disabilities.

Pension Payable

The pensionable assessment, which is determined by multiplying the entitlement (1/5 to 5/5) by the assessment (1% to 100%), determines the rate of pension payable, e.g. 3/5 x 25% = 15% pension. When there is more than one pensioned disability, the assessments are combined for a total pensionable assessment.

A total pensionable assessment:

  • Between 1% and 4% results in: a one-time lump-sum payment - there is no monthly pension;
  • Of 5% or more results in:
    1. payment of a monthly pension that is indexed annually on January 1st;
  • an additional sum paid to the disability pensioner on behalf of:
    1. a legal or common-law spouse;
    2. children under age 18 or between 18 and 25, if studying full-time or if incapacitated;
    3. some restrictions apply.

How much can you expect to receive?

Monthly payments at 2006 rates - at either end of the payment scale.

Rate Disability Pension Spouse First Child Second Child Each Other Child
5% $108.57 $27.14 $14.11 $10.32 $8.14
100% $2,171.32 $542.83 $282.27 $206.28 $162.85

Pension payments awarded under the Pension Act are tax-free.


Other Pension-related Services and Benefits

Eligible applicants may also receive:

  • Special allowances - attendance, clothing, exceptional incapacity, etc.;
  • Survivor benefits;
  • Counselling, assessment and referral services; Legal assistance with appeals.


Review and Appeal

If you are not satisfied with the pension decision received, you may request a departmental review provided that you have new evidence to support your application. You also have the right to request a review hearing before the Veterans Review and Appeal Board (VRAB) based on the evidence supplied with your first application, i.e. without new evidence. VRAB is an independent body that hears appeals when pension claimants are not satisfied with decisions made by the Department. The Bureau of Pensions Advocates provides free legal assistance to any person who wants to appeal a decision before a review or appeal panel.

The Bureau has offices across Canada staffed by experienced lawyers who have the responsibility to represent applicants before VRAB panels. Veterans' organizations, such as the Royal Canadian Legion, also provide assistance, free of charge, in preparing appeals. Hearings are held across the country, and applicants are given the right to appear before the Board and provide evidence in person or via video-conferencing.


VAC Client Services

VAC's philosophy of Client Services is based on a client-centred approach where our staff identify and respond appropriately to the needs of the individual client. Our services include screening, referral, information, assessment, and monitoring. You are eligible for some of these services both while you are awaiting a decision on your disability pension claim and after you are in receipt of a disability pension.

Health Care Benefits

To be eligible for health care services, you must first be in receipt of a disability pension from VAC. Following your release from the service, you become eligible for VAC health care services and benefits that may be required due to your pensioned condition(s).

Treatment Benefits

Treatment is provided within fourteen programs of choice:

  • Aids for Daily Living
  • Ambulance Services
  • Audio (Hearing) Services
  • Dental Services
  • Hospital Services (In-patient and Out-patient Services)
  • Medical Services
  • Medical Supplies
  • Nursing Services
  • Oxygen Therapy (Respiratory Equipment)
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Prosthetics and Orthotics
  • Related Health Services
  • Special Equipment
  • Vision (Eye) Care, including the Canadian Nationalv Institute for the Blind (CNIB) Vision (Eye) Care Benefits.


Veterans Independence Program (VIP)

The goal of this program is to assist clients in maintaining their independence through the provision of home and community care. If you are pensioned for an SDA-related disability, you could be eligible to receive VIP services for needs related to that disability, including:

  • Home Care
  • Ambulatory Health Care
  • Home Adaptations.

Still serving CF members and former CF members with non-SDA related disabilities will become eligible to apply for VIP services that are required as a result of their pensioned condition(s). Still-serving CF members are eligible to apply for VIP homecare services tot he extent that these services are not available to them through the Spectrum of Care.


For More Information

Contact the nearest VAC District Office for additional information on available services and benefits.

The Centre

You may also choose to visit or contact the DND/VAC Centre for the Support of Injured and Retired Members and Their Families (The Centre). The Centre offers you an information and referral service provided by staff with expertise in VAC's programs and services. The Centre is located on the 10th floor of the Trebla Building at 473 Albert Street, Ottawa. The toll-free telephone number is 1-800-883-6094.

Updated: 2005-3-8