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National Center for PTSD

The mission of the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a special center within Veterans Affairs, is to advance the clinical care and social welfare of America's veterans through research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders. This website is provided as an educational resource concerning PTSD and other enduring consequences of traumatic stress, for a variety of audiences.

NOTE: NEW DESIGN coming to our site SOON!!!!


War in Iraq: Information

This section of the website contains the latest fact sheets and literature on the war in Iraq. Important links from the site are:
The Iraq War Clinican Guide, 2nd Edition, and two new guides on Returning from the War Zone: A Guide for Military Personnel and A Guide for Families
as well as the VA Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom Seamless Transition website

For information on how the war may impact soldiers see: A Brief Primer on the Mental Health Impact of the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. For a list of resources available to returning soldiers and their families see our Veteran Resources sheet, Resources for U.S. Soldiers Returning from Deployment.

Natural Disasters: Devastation Around the World

NOTE: NEW Revised Psychological First Aid Manual (8/2006)!

2005 was a year filled with horrid disasters that caused widespread major destruction. These disasters are responsible for taking many lives and leaving millions homeless, the effects still strong today. For information on the psychological effects of natural disasters, see our section of disaster fact sheets. For donations to help survivors, contact services such as the American Red Cross, or see our Help Web Page.

SAMHSA interview with Dr. Matthew Friedman on PTSD in Disasters. (PC format presentation)

Download the REVISED SAMHSA supported Psychological First Aid Manual, complete with handouts. This is a guide for first responders and mental health professionals to help survivors in the immediate aftermath of disaster and terrorism: to reduce initial distress, and to foster short and long-term adaptive functioning.

Click here for information specific to the disasterous effects of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, including information on how you can help (see bottom of page).


Topics in PTSD

Contains fact sheets, articles, and online resources on topics related to traumatic stress.

For the Media

Information for media personnel: how to contact public affairs, PTSD experts, and more.


National Center for PTSD Publications

Review the National Center's Research Quarterlies, Clinical Quarterlies, a selection of full text articles by National Center staff and books located in the National Center for PTSD resource center.


Frequently Asked Questions

Contains the top 10 questions most frequently asked regarding information in this website.


Facts about PTSD

A complete list of fact sheets organized into the following categories: general information about PTSD, treatment, veterans, disasters, and specific topics.


PILOTS Database

Access information on how to use and search the PILOTS Database, the largest interdisciplinary index to the worldwide literature on traumatic stress, which contains over 30,000 abstracts.


PTSD Assessment

Access general information on assessment of PTSD or research instruments for PTSD.


About the National Center for PTSD

More about our mission and history, organization, annual report, and employment and training opportunities.