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What is Depression?

Depression is one of medicine's most common illnesses It is a disease that affects the entire mind and body due to changes that happen in the brain chemistry. It can happen to anyone -- even people who may have no reason to be depressed. It is often confused with other illnesses. Depression is a very serious disease which should not be taken lightly.

Three Types of Depression

  1. Major Depression (Clinical) - some or all symptoms are present;
  2. Mild Depression (Dysthymia) - some or all symptoms are present though milder;
  3. Manic-depression (Bipolar Illness) - disruptive cycles of depressive symptoms that alternate with a feeling of well being, irritable excitement (mania).

What are the Symptoms?

  1. tired all the time
  2. problems sleeping, often/too little
  3. easily upset, irritable
  4. feel very sad/tearful for no reason
  5. decreased or no sex drive
  6. headaches/other chronic pain
  7. hard to do things you used to enjoy
  8. weight gain/weight loss
  9. difficulty concentrating
  10. feelings of guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness
  1. abnormally elevated mood
  2. irritability
  3. severe insomnia
  4. extreme exaggeration
  5. increased activity, incl. sex
  6. racing thoughts
  7. increased talking
  8. markedly increased energy
  9. poor judgment/risk taking conduct
  10. inappropriate social behaviour

Depression is a highly treatable illness. The benefits of treatment begin by recognizing the signs of depression The earlier treatment begins, the more effective and greater likelihood of preventing serious recurrences.

Tips for Good Mental Health

Take care of yourself.
Get plenty of rest, eat right, exercise and see a doctor regularly. Keep your mind active and exercised through learning new things, reading and interacting with others regularly.

Know when to reach out for help.
Ask for help when life seems overwhelming or difficult. This is a quality of a mentally healthy person. Identify someone you would go to for help in the future.

Practice stress management strategies.
Identify what soothes and comforts you. Learn relaxation techniques and interact with supportive friends and family members.

Spend time with at least one friend with whom you can confide.
Obtain social support, care and concern from others. Love is an energizing and growth-producing force that is beneficial to your mental and physical health.

Nurture your soul.
Take time for spiritual practice, prayerful reflection, meditation or serene solitude. This can offer you ways to cope with life's challenges. It is important to learn how to forget the hurts, to forgive the wrongs and to let go of elements of your past.

Participate in a regular activity that is fun, relaxing or creative.
Take time to play, laugh and participate in creative activities. These can enhance your ability to enjoy life and maintain a playful attitude.

Identify and celebrate your successes.
Acknowledge and affirm your successes. It is beneficial to name the positive elements in your life.

For additional information please contact Veterans Affairs Canada

Updated: 2002-4-11