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Veterans Affairs Canada - Providers & Professionals
Veterans Affairs Canada: Proudly Serving Canada's Veteran Community
  Issue #2, Winter 2002

It's All About Quality of Care

Like most Canadians, veterans and their families place a lot of importance on being able to access quality health care that meets their needs. Many years ago, when military personnel were returning from war, this care often meant some form of rehabilitation. Now, many of these veterans are approaching 80 years of age and they need to know who will take care of them and where they will live when they no longer feel capable of managing on their own. Here, at Veterans Affairs Canada, we've put in place a Residential Care Strategy to assist veterans who need long-term care. Many of the initiatives in this Strategy address pressing issues identified by the Department in consultation with veterans' organizations and our health care partners. We recognize there is much yet to do. But we thought you'd like to learn about some of the things we're doing to ensure you receive the best care possible.

National Standard of Care
The Ten Care Outcome Standards
Survey Says

In This Issue

From the Heart
Minister's Commendation
Peacekeeping Medal
Health Care Benefits
Ask Us Anything
Coming Next Issue
Quality of Care
Your Guide
Home Sweet Home
Falls Prevention
Health Promotion
Watch out for Traffic
VLA Enquiries
Editor's Corner
The CF Report
Bravo Rachel
Aging and Prostate Health
Wise Owls
Seniors Canada On-line
Disability Pensions
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Updated: 2002-3-25