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Veterans Affairs Canada: Proudly Serving Canada's Veteran Community
  Fall 2005

Quality Health Care

Health Care

Health care checkup

Canada's medicare system provides all Canadians with health services. Even so, it does not cover some services that many people consider to be very important, such as prescription drugs or eye care. Some people who do not have insurance coverage for these kinds of health costs find that it puts a large strain on their household budget.

To help CF Veterans and their families get the health care they need at an affordable cost, the new Charter intends to provide group health insurance to CF Veterans who are not eligible for the Public Health Care Plan and:

  • whose careers have been cut short for medical reasons;
  • who have a service-related need that is making it hard for them to return to civilian life; and
  • their families or survivors.

In many ways, benefits will be very much like the ones that are offered to qualified retired public servants, retired RCMP, and retired CF personnel. This means that CF Veterans and their families will be able to qualify for such things as:

  • drug benefits;
  • vision care;
  • special medical supplies; and
  • treatment by specialists.

The Rehabilitation Program

Under the new Charter, you may be able to qualify for help through the 'Rehab' Program if you are:

  • a CF member who medically releases from the Forces;
  • a CF Veteran who has a physical or mental health problem mainly caused by your service that is making it hard for you to re-enter civilian life;
  • the spouse or partner of a CF Veteran who qualifies for the program but whose disability is so serious that he or she cannot take part in it; or
  • the survivor of a CF Veteran whose death is related to their service.

You will not need to qualify for a Disability Award to get help through the Rehab Program. This is because a Disability Award under the new Charter will not be the sole gateway to other benefits you may need.

A Case Manager with our Department will be your single point of entry to the many kinds of help offered through the Rehab Program. In most cases, the services you need will be provided through a network of local experts and resources that have been carefully chosen to serve your area. Services can be used alone, or together, depending on what you need. These include:

Medical Services: Health care experts will work with you to keep your health stable, make it easier for you to cope with your health problems, and help your body and your mind to function as well as possible. You might need medicine, surgery, or other kinds of treatment.

Psycho/Social Services: These services will help you and your family adapt to living with a disability.

Vocational Services: These services will help you to learn if it is possible to transfer your skills and education from your military job to a similar civilian job. If not, you may qualify for training for another kind of job that takes into account:

  • your illness or injury;
  • skills and education you already have; and
  • the job market.

If you qualify for the program, you also may get other benefits, such as:

  1. Earnings Loss Support: This will set your monthly income at 75% of your gross pre-release military salary.
  2. Income Support: This will be available to CF Veterans who have a service-related need, have completed rehab, are looking for work, but have not yet found it.

You asked...

Q. When I need health care, do I go to Veterans Affairs first?
A. That depends:

  • Under the new Charter, qualified CF Veterans and their families would have access to a group health insurance plan. This plan would 'kick in' when the cost of health benefits is not covered by the province or territory in which you live. This is standard practice with many health care plans. It means we can rely on health services that already exist - and put more of our resources into those that do not.
  • If you need treatment for your pensioned condition, call us at1-866-522-2122.
  • Still-serving CF members will continue to access health care from DND.

Q. How will I know if I have a service-related rehab need?
A. In general, ask yourself three things:

  1. Do I have a physical or mental health problem? Yes __    No __
  2. Is the problem mainly the result of my service in the Canadian Forces? Yes __    No __
  3. Is the problem making it hard for me to return to civilian life? Yes __    No __

If you answer 'yes' to these questions, then it is very possible you may need support through the Rehab Program.

Even if your rehab need is not related to your service, we will try through the Transition Interview to find ways of helping you.

In This Issue
Canada Says Yes
Agent Orange
The Giving Way
The Need for a New Veterans Charter
RCMP Studies Members' Needs
Straight Answers to Your Questions
Case Management
A Quality Job
Quality Health Care
Financial Support
Family Support
Then and Now
Success is Easy to Swallow
Keeping the Promise
We Can Help
Wanted: A Better Life
Revised Burial Regulations
Clearing up the Backlog
About Salute  
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Updated: 2005-9-30