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Veterans Affairs Canada: Proudly Serving Canada's Veteran Community
  Issue #4, Summer 2002

PTSD: A Framework for Hope and Healing

Many people who go to war or participate in peacekeeping missions experience traumatic events that may challenge their view of the world or themselves. Sometimes, these events may trigger psychological injuries that can last for months, even years.

PTSD: A Framework for Hope and Healing

Veterans Affairs Minister Dr.Rey Pagtakhan (left) and National Defence Minister John McCallum join forces to help those suffering from military PSTD.

For some time, Veterans Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence (DND) have been working together to support veterans, serving CF members and their families who suffer from psychological injuries, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), that are the result of their military experience. In July, our departments announced a major initiative that will build on this commitment. This strategy comprises four important pillars:

  • Network of Care Providers: VAC and DND are working together to create two coordinated networks of care providers, both within the military and in the civilian health care community, to better assess and treat individuals suffering from psychological injuries related to their military service. The DND network will include the Canadian Forces Operational Trauma and Stress Support Centres (OTSSC), located in Halifax, Valcartier, Ottawa, Edmonton and Esquimalt. The VAC network will include;

    • Ste. Anne's Centre. In addition to providing CF members, veterans and their families with on-site assessment, treatment and follow-up, Ste. Anne's Centre will play a key role with DND in developing national VAC standards of assessment and care for people with operational stress injuries;

    • clinics to be established in selected long-term care facilities currently under contract to VAC. Ste. Anne's Centre will be helping to train staff at these clinics; and

    • health care professionals in communities across Canada who are involved in the care of former or serving military personnel.

  • Education: VAC and DND will host a series of educational forums so that professionals in the field of psychological injuries can share ideas and knowledge. The first forum will take place at Ste. Anne's Hospital.

  • Research: VAC and DND will collaborate on research efforts related to the prevention, assessment and management of PTSD and other psychological injuries.

  • Professional Development: VAC and DND will explore ways to better train and educate health professionals who support CF members and veterans suffering from psychological injuries.

Need More Help or Information?

  • If you, or someone you know, has PTSD and needs help, please contact your nearest VAC District Office or the medical officer on your base. Individuals who require assistance will be referred to the most appropriate place for treatment.
  • If you require more information on this initiative, please contact your nearest VAC District Office or visit our Web site at

In This Issue

VAC, DND Unveil Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Support Strategy
Veterans' Facility Opens
VAC Partners with Alzheimer Society
Remembering Dieppe
Step Forward with Confidence
Health Matters
Federal Funding for Juno Beach Centre
Surfing Time at the RCL Convention
VAC Disability Pensions: What You Need to Know
Day Centres
Seeking former St. John Ambulance Volunteers
Special Notice
PTSD: A Framework for Hope and Healing
Virtual Cemetery
Hear and Now
VAC's Presence on Base is Expanding
VAC's Approach to Long-term Care
Stop and Smell the Roses
Peace of Mind: VAC Support for Survivors
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Updated: 2003-5-10