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Veterans Affairs Canada: Proudly Serving Canada's Veteran Community
  Vol 2, No.4

Heart Smart

This February, to help mark Heart and Stroke Month, you may want to learn the warning signs for heart attacks and stroke. It could help you, or a loved one, respond quickly in an emergency.

Stroke Warning Signs
  • Sudden weakness, numbness or tingling in the face, arm or leg. heart
  • Sudden trouble speaking or understanding someone who is talking.
  • Sudden loss of vision, particularly in one eye, or double vision.
  • Sudden severe headache.
  • Sudden dizziness, especially with any of the above signs.


Heart Attack Warning Signs

  • Sudden discomfort or pain that does not go away.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Nausea.
  • Sweating: cool, clammy skin.
  • Feelings of fear, anxiety or denial.

If anyone you know is experiencing any of these signs, call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. For more information on how to prevent heart disease and stroke, talk to your doctor (who may recommend a check-up and a diet and exercise program), contact your local chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada or visit their Web site at

In This Issue

Only a Phone Call Away
Canada Responds to Former POWs
The Seventh Book of Remembrance
CHUL Veterans' Unit Officially Opens
In Praise of Unsung Heroes
Sound Advice
Across the Miles
Direct Deposit: It's Easy!
ISDF: A Framework for Success
Dialing for Help
Spring Cleaning
Caregiver Burnout: Take the Test
Supporting Gulf War Veterans
Making Life Easier
Heart Smart
100 Years of Memories
About Salute  
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Updated: 2003-2-25