Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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March 2006


Harp Seals

  • 325,000 for one year (2006).
  • An additional 10,000 one-year harp seal allocation for new Aboriginal initiatives, personal use and Arctic hunts. Interested groups are required to submit a Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) to DFO for approval prior to any hunting activity. The allowance will be divided among groups with approved CHPs.
  • The hunt of harp (whitecoat) seal pups has not been allowed since 1987. Marine Mammal Regulations also prohibit the trade, sale or barter of the fur of these pups.

Hooded Seals

  • A TAC of 10,000 hooded seals on the Front will be maintained for the 2006 season. The hunting of hooded seals in the Gulf of St. Lawrence is prohibited. The TAC will be reviewed following the release of the new population estimate this spring.
  • The hunt of hooded (blueback) seal pups has not been allowed since 1987.

Grey Seals

  • The department set TACs at 2,100 in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and 8,300 on the Scotian Shelf off Nova Scotia for 2006. These numbers are in line with Potential Biological Removal (PBR) levels established by DFO scientists. PBR is a highly conservative approach used in marine mammal management where some population parameters are lacking. This hunting season has opened and closed for 2006.

Ringed, Harbour and Bearded Seals

  • There are no TACs or allocations set on these species. Licences and permits will be used to control any commercial harvest for these species.


A one-year allocation based on 10-year historical landings with consideration for Quebec North Shore will be allocated as follows:

Quebec North Shore

8, 0 %

Magdalen Islands

20,0 %

Western Newfoundland

70,0 %

Gulf/Maritime Provinces

2,0 %

The Quebec North Shore and Western Newfoundland have seen a decrease in accessible marine resources over the years and are the areas most economically in need of access to the seal fishery. In addition, they have often been excluded from the seal hunt because of harsh climates and ice conditions around the time when prime market animals are available.

The department will closely monitor daily landings and keep tight control with closures and measured re-openings to reduce the risk of quota overruns.


DFO will continue to use OBFM to manage the seal hunt. OBFM and the Precautionary Approach were introduced in the 2003-2005 Seal Management Plan to demonstrate Canada’s commitment to conservation and sustainability in the hunt.

This model uses control rules and reference points to trigger management measures for a fishery.

Under the OBFM regime, where there is an abundant resource, the TAC is set in a way that facilitates a market-driven hunt that enables sealers to maximize their benefits without compromising conservation.

The 2006-2010 Atlantic Seal Hunt Management Plan document
is currently being prepared and will be available in the coming months and posted on our website.


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    Last updated: 2006-03-15

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