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Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Other Sites of Interest

Disclaimer: Some of the following links connect to non-federal government sites. These sites do not conform to the same policies for content and official languages.

QuickLinks to DFO Related Sites

Acts, Orders and Regulations
Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review
Atlantic Zone Science Vessels
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Canada's largest center for ocean research
Canada's Species At Risk Act (SARA)
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary
Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat
Canadian Tide Tables
This electronic version of the Tide Tables provides predicted times and heights of high and low tides (graphs) for today and tomorrow, and the hourly water levels (tables) for over seven hundred stations in Canada.
DFO Publications
FRCC - Fisheries Resource Conservation Council
SARA (Species At Risk Act) Public Registry
Shellfish Water Quality Protection Program
An Environment Canada website with links to Shellfish and Water Quality fact sheets, classification maps, Molluscan Harvesting Guides, the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program and the Atlantic Shellfish Classification Inventory
Statistical Services
Fisheries data including Canadian landings and Canada's international trade quarterly, fisheries products and stocks on an ad hoc basis, the Annual Statistical Review of Canadian Fisheries, and Recreational Fisheries in Canada.

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Alternative Farming Systems Information Centre
Aquaculture Association of Canada
Aquaculture Health Page
Aquaculture Network Information Center (AquaNIC)
Aquatic Network
Subject areas covered include aquaculture, conservation, fisheries, marine science, oceanography, maritime heritage, ocean engineering and seafood.
Aquatic Resources Center, St. Francis Xavier University
The Australian Aquaculture Centre An Aquatic Information Center
California Aquaculture
Canadian Aquaculture - Contact Canada
Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance
Canadian Aquaculture Institute
Directory of Aquaculture Associations
European Aquaculture Society
Fishing for Information
University of Stirling's links to aquaculture, fisheries, aqusariums and fish diseases
Global Aquaculture Alliance
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution: Aquaculture Division
Institute for Marine Biosciences - National Research Council Canada
The Institute of Aquaculture (University of Stirling)
International Aquaculture
Inventory of Canadian Agri-Food Research - Aquaculture Species
Current aquaculture research projects from industry, universities, provincial and federal establishments.
National Research Institute of Aquaculture
Nova Scotia Deptartment of Agriculture and Fisheries - Aquaculture
Includes statistics, species information, staff contacts, committee info
Pacific Regional Aquaculture Information Service for Education
Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton (Algae Aquaculture)
Includes links to culture media recipes
University of Tasmania Aquaculture Home Page
Home Page of the Aquaculture Deptartment of the University of Tasmania in Australia. Contains links to many photos
World Aquaculture Society

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Coral Reefs

The Coral Reef Alliance
The NOAA Photo Library - The Coral Kingdom Collection!
Soft Corals
USGS Coral Reefs

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Australian Marine Conservation Society
Center for Marine Conservation
The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) determines the national status of wild Canadian species, subspecies and separate populations suspected of being at risk
Fishing Gear Impacts: Mobile Gear Effects on Benthic Habitats
International Marine Mammal Association, Inc.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources "Red List of Threatened Species"
Marine Conservation Biology Institute
Marine Conservation Society
The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is the UK's national charity for the marine environment and its wildlife
Marine Protected Areas of the United States
Marine Stocks at Risk of Extinction (American Fisheries Society)
National Coalition for Marine Conservation
Ocean Mammal Institute
Office of Protected Resources (NOAA Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service)
National Parks Conservation Association

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Fish and Fisheries

ABARE (Australia)
American Fisheries Society
Aquatic Animals Mailing Lists
Bodega Marine Laboratory
The California Academy of Science Echinoderm webpage
Canadian Commercial Fishing Online Resource Center
Includes daily North American market prices and links to international markets
Canadian Lobster Health Research
Catalog of Marine Fish and Invertebrates
College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences (University of Washington)
EurekAlert! - Marine Science Portal
Fishermen`s and Related Organizations
FAO Fisheries Department Summary Tables of Fishery Statistics
Your Source for Seafood Careers in Nova Scotia, brought to you by the NS Fisheries Sector Council
Fisheries Statistics and Economics
Fundy Forum
Fundy Forum is designed to connect community groups, individuals, First Nations, industry, scientists, land use planners, government and anyone else with an interest in the Bay of Fundy and its coastal communities.
The Marine Biological Laboratory
The Marine Laboratory (Aberdeen, Scotland)
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
N.A.R.F.C. - North Atlantic Responsible Fishing Council
The objective of this website is to encourage fisherman to communicate the responsible fishing message. It also serves as a database, and includes the reports of the last 2 conferences.
National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Biological Resources - Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (FAR) Node
National Fisheries Institute: The Fish and Seafood Trade Association
This site originates in the United States
National Marine Fisheries Service
NMFS Fisheries Statistics & Economics
US state and federal statistics about marine fisheries
The NOAA Photo Library Collection - Fisheries
North Atlantic Fisheries College (Shetland)
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Sustainable Development Information Service: Fishery Statistics, Catches and Landings
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE)
Welcome to CephBase
International Aquatic Animal Health Code (2001)
Diagnostic Manual for Aquatic Animal Diseases -2000-
Canada's East Coast Fisheries
Key issues in Atlantic fishery management
Fishery Software
Fisheries Home Page
Cetacea Home Page
Fishing Techniques
Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)

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The Atlantic Geoscience Society
The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
Canadian Geoscience Council
The DFO GeoPortal Project - Launch of the Public GeoBrowser
The DFO GeoPortal comprises numerous tools and services to address the requirements of a broad audience, both internal and external to DFO. Tools available on this site provide pre-defined dynamic views of DFO which are made up of DFO data combined with data from other government and private organizations. These tools get their data from numerous web map servers, therefore all data seen in the views on this site can also be accessed directly by applications that can connect to web map servers compliant with the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) specifications.
Directory of Geoscience Organizations of the World 1999
Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)
Canada's principal marine geoscience facility
Geology and the Fishery of Georges Bank
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
Geoscience Connections
Government agencies, universities, other Geological Surveys, educational sites
Geoscience Departments WWW Directory (U.S. and Canada)
Geoscience Information Society
NASA's Global Change Master Directory
National Geographic's MapMachine
Paleomap Project
The goal of the Paleomap Project is to illustrate the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents during the past 1100 million years
Sable Offshore Energy Project
One of the products of the Centre for Topographic Information, Sherbrooke
U.S. Minerals Management Service
MMS is the U.S. federal agency that regulates the offshore oil and gas industry

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Government - Federal

The Government of Canada's official website, with information and service gateways for Canadians, Canadian business, and non-Canadians, and links to the Office of the Prime Minister, federal departments and agencies, government contacts, and FAQs
Communication Canada
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Canadian government information
A selective collection of links to Canadian government sites and key federal documents maintained by the National Library of Canada. It includes a page of links to the news release pages of individual federal government departments.
Canadian government information on the Internet
by Anita Cannon and the Depository Services Program
Federal Government of Canada Sites
Public policy and government information resources from CPAC
Government Electronic Directory Services
An integrated directory of all federal public servants in Canada
Guides to Government Information : help sheets
Industrys Canada's Manufacturing and Processing Technologies Branch: Ocean Technologies
Science and Technology - Government of Canada

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Provincial and Regional Sites

Coastal Communities Network
Commercial Fish Prices (PEI)
Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment
The Maritime Institute of Quebec
The Maritime Institute of Quebec trains and prepares a competent work force for all fields related to the sea and transportation business
Ministère de l'Agriculture, des pêcheries et de l'alimentation du Québec
New Brunswick Government
New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
Newfoundland and Labrador Government
Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Nova Scotia Government
Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Prince Edward Island Government
Prince Edward Island Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment
Nunavut Wildlife Management Board

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Bundesamt fur Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) / Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany
ECOLEX - A Gateway to Environmental Law
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
The Galway Declaration
Global Maritime Boundaries Database
ICLARM (International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management)
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer = The French Institute of Research and Exploitation of the Sea
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES/CIEM)
International Oceans Institute of Canada
The IOI is an independent, non-governmental organization devoted to studying and preserving the world's oceans
International Year of the Ocean - 1998 (Unesco)
IODE - International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange
Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
United Nations
World Meteorological Organization
FAO Terminology

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Library Resources

Canadian government libraries
Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information
Copyright Policy Branch, Canadian Heritage
Copyright Information Centre of the Canadian Library Association
International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers
International Development Research Centre Library
Librians' Index to the Internet
Library of Congress
Library of Congress WWW/Z39.50 Gateway
Search the Library of Congress catalogue or other library catalogues from Acadia University to the University of Wollongong
MBL/WHOI Library
Marine Biological Lab/Woods Hole
National Library of Canada / Bibliothèque nationale du Canada
NCAR Library
Delivering information on climate and meteorology in support of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado
NOAA Central Library
Nova Scotia Provincial Library
Novanet Home Page
Nova Scotia University library catalogues
Oxford Marine Library
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library
Scripps Library at the University of California San Diego. For access to the entire UCSD library catalogue, select Roger
Union List of Marine and Aquatic Serials
VIMS: Virginia Institute of Marine Science (William and Mary Library)

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Marine Law : The Maritime Law and Admiralty Law Page
This site is about maritime law, admiralty law, marine law, the law of marine insurance and the law of the sea, ships, shipping, fisheries and offshore oil and gas. The primary focus is presently Canadian maritime law and Canadian admiralty law.
Coastal State Requirements for Foreign Fishing
ECOLEX - A Gateway to Environmental Law
Marine and Coastal Law : The Edwin Ginn Library - The Fletcher School (Tufts University)
This website, incorporating the Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law, contains leading resources on international fisheries law, policy and management and a discussion/mailing list on ocean affairs.
Marine Law Institute (University of Maine School of Law)
The Marine Law Institute is the research and public service component of the Ocean and Coastal Law program and is the only law school-affiliated marine policy research program in the Northeast.
Maritime and Oceanic Law Center
Ocean and Coastal Law Center (University of Oregon School of Law)
Oceans and Law of the Sea
Prepared by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations
Law of the Sea - The Exclusive Economic Zone

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ACZISC - Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering Committee
Maps and imagery online, inventory of coastal mapping projects, Atlantic coastal database directory, meetings, conferences
Australian Oceanographic Data Centre
Center for Sea Change
Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille
Production océanique, microorganismes marins, flux particulaires et biotransferts, réseaux trophiques côtiers, biodiversité des ecosystemes, variations temporelles du milieu marin, écologie benthique, matématiques appliquées, modélisation, séries à long terme
Dalhousie University's Department of Oceanography
Fishes of Atlantic Canada : A Photographic Compendium
Global Observing Systems Information Center
Information on the Seven Seas : International Ocean Science Web Resources
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (ISMER)
International Oceanographic Foundation
JPL Polar Oceanography Group
MIT-WHOI Joint Program: Chemical Oceanography
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Chemical Oceanography
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Physical Oceanography
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (U.S.)
National Oceanographic Data Center
National Sea Grant Program (U.S.)
North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)
Oceans and Coastal Resources: A Briefing Book
Ocean Drilling Program
Oceanography Resources
Le Réseau National des Stations Marines (France)
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
St. Lawrence Observatory (Maurice Lamontagne Institute)
Internet access to new publications, and information on remote sensing imagery, tides and water levels, phytoplankton, wind, temperature, ice, and freshwater runoffs
Southampton Oceanography Centre
University of Texas Marine Science Institute
This locator was built in response to the many reference questions that are posed to the NOAA library and is meant to make Internet searching more efficient for the NOAA community, the academic community, other government agencies concerned with oceanic and atmospheric issues, and the general public
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)
UN Atlas of the Oceans
The Sea

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Photos and Images

Fishes of Atlantic Canada : A Photographic Compendium
The National Image Library - United States Fish & Wildlife Service
The NOAA Photo Library

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Agricola - The National Agriculture Article Citation Database
All that JAS : Journal Abbreviation Sources
Compiled by Gerry McKiernan, this site is a registry of Web resources that list or give access to the full title of journal abbreviations or other types of abbreviated publication titles.
Aquatext: The Online Aquaculture Dictionary
Over 2,500 aquaculture definitions including 280 tables, 250 pictures and 120 calculations
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Thesaurus
Compiled by: E. Fagetti, D.W. Privett, & J.R.L. Sears. The present version does not reproduce the printed thesaurus in its entirety
Atlantic Canada Weather
Atlantic CoastWatch
Consolidates coastal and environmental news for activists, scientists, educators and citizensin the Atlantic region between Nova Scotia and the eastern Caribbean. Services are free.
Canada 411
Canada Post
Find a postal code, find a post office, track a package
Canada's Information Resource Centre
A list of Canadian directories and databases
The Canadian Encyclopedia
Canadian Information by Subject / National Library of Canada
Canadiana quick reference
Citation Style Guides for Internet and Electronic Sources
The Codex Alimentarius: English Version
The Columbia Guide to Online Style
Comment citer un document électronique? [in French]
Digital Dissertations (ProQuest)
Engineering E-Journal Search Engine (EESE)
Fish Posters
Geographic Information Systems Dictionary of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Global Directory of Marine (and Freshwater) Professionals
Glossary of Marine Biology
Search for current journal articles
ITIS - Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online
National Atlas of Canada
National Climatic Data Center
The world's largest archive of weather data
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Scientific and Technical Databases
National Research Council of Canada's Expertise Database
NCMR Library's List of Acronyms relevant to Aquatic Sciences
Statistics Canada
A cluster of databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals and related areas
United Van Lines: Canadian Distance Guide
Using CBE style to cite and document sources
The WorldWideWeb Acronym and Abbreviation Server
Science Conferences
The Atlas of Canada

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Students and Teachers

101 Dolphin Questions
All About Dolphins
All About Lobsters
Amazing Facts About the Earthgb/index_e
American Geophysical Union : Science for Everyone
Full-text articles
The American Lobster
Lobster fishing in northern Nova Scotia, recipes, glossary, FAQs
Bay of Fundy Whales
Big Blue Bus - Kid's Corner
Careers in oceanography, marine science & marine biology
Chemical Oceanography for K-12: A Study of Our Oceans
The Earth from Space: Astronauts' Views of the Home Planet
Virtual resource centre for earth science educators
Educational Resources - Geological Survey of Canada
GLOBE - International Hands-On Science and Education
Lighthouses of Nova Scotia
Presented by the Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation Society
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - Learning Resources
Marine Biology Learning Center
A very useful site for answering general questions
Marine Biology Web
Marine Institute-Networked Educational Topics
Brought to you by the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of ewfoundland
National Marine Mammal Laboratory's Education Web
The National Marine Mammal Laboratory's Education Website which targets K-12 learners, provides basic information onm marine mammals, including whales.
NOAA Education Resources
A marine science information page sponsored by the Bamfield Marine Station in British Columbia
Ocean Planet
Oceanography Theme Page
Presented by the Community Learning Network, this site is designed to help K-12 teachers integrate technology into the classroom
Sable Island
Produced by the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History and the Sable Island Preservation Trust
Science on the Web
Web activities using scientific data
Scientific American "Ask the Experts" Archive
SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Teacher Guides
Teacher's Guides have been developed at SeaWorld and Busch Gardens to help you tech your students, in an active, hands-on way, about how people interact with the environment and how we can best care for the Earth's resources.
Shark Friends
Tides: What causes tides to change on the ocean?
Tides and Tide Prediction
This Dynamic Earth : The Story of Plate Tectonics
Full-text book
USGS Ask-a Geologist
USGS General Interest publications
Full-text brochures
USGS LearningWeb
Full-text brochures, K-12
The Whale Center of New England - Education page
WhaleNet is sponsored by Wheelock College in Boston, Massachusetts with initial support from the National Science Foundation
WhaleTimes Seabed
Whales - a thematic web unit
From the STEM-net K-12 website for Newfoundland and Labrador
What happened to the Animals? A Sable Island story
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution : K-12 Education
Corals and Coral Reefs
Freshwater and Marine Image Bank
Women Exploring the Oceans: Remarkable Careers in

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Search Tools

Ask Jeeves
Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment (JAKE) is a reference source which makes finding, managing, and linking online journals and journal articles easier for students, researchers, and librarians
NASA ADS Physics/Geophysics Query Form
Scirus : for scientific information only
WhoWhere? E-mail Addresses

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BIO Library
Maritimes Region Libraries
St. Andrews Library
  Last Updated : 2005-12-12 Important Notices