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Reducing nitrous oxide emissions

Much of the N2O emitted from farmland is produced when excess NO3- in soil undergoes denitrification, either on farmland or after it is leached away. Farmers can reduce these emissions by preventing build-up of NO3- or avoiding soil conditions that favor denitrification. Some N2O is also emitted when NH4+ is converted to NO3- (nitrification). Adding less NH4+ or slowing the rate of nitrification can reduce emissions from this source. The best way to reduce N2O losses is to manage the N cycle more efficiently, thereby avoiding the buildup of excessive NH4+ or NO3-.

Cattle management systems

Producers feed and manage their cattle in different ways during different stages of the production cycle. The amount of greenhouse gas emitted depends on the system used and the stage in the cycle. Management systems can be compared in terms of net emissions; for example, grams of CH4 emitted per kilogram of milk or beef produced. Feeding cattle grain instead of forage reduces CH4 emissions. But feed type is only one factor to be considered in selecting a management system. For example, the use of forages in a feeding system encourages land to be used for perennial forage, rather than for annual crop production which results in greater soil C losses. Manure management and its greenhouse gas emissions must also be considered when determining an optimum management system.

Photo: Cattle management systems

Photo: Cattle management systems

(P. Strankman, Canadian Cattlemen's Association and K. Wittenberg, University of Manitoba)

Specific ways of reducing N2O emission vary for farming systems across Canada, but examples include the following:

Match fertilizer additions to plant needs: The best way to reduce N2O emission may be to apply just enough N so that crops can reach maximum yield without leaving behind any available N. A perfect match is rarely achievable, but the synchrony can often be improved by basing fertilizer rates on soil tests and estimates of N release from residues and organic matter. In fields where fertility needs vary, applying N at different rates across the landscape ("precision farming") may also improve the match between amount applied and the amount taken up by crops.

Avoid excessive manure application: Heavily manured land can emit a lot of N2O because the manure adds N and available C, both of which promote denitrification. Moreover, manure is often applied to land as a means of disposal, so that rates can be excessive. Applying the manure at rates that just supply plant demands can greatly reduce N2O emissions from this source.

Improved manure storage can reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Traditionally, manure is stored during summer and winter and is applied to the field in early fall or spring. Summer is usually the season of highest gas production because warm temperatures enhance microbial activity in stored manure. Anaerobic storage favors CH4 production, whereas aerobic storage produces CO2 and N2O.

Scientists measured greenhouse gas emissions from beef and dairy manure each stored in three ways: compost, slurry, and stockpile. Methane and N2O emissions, expressed in CO2 equivalents, were always smaller for compost than for the other storage methods. For dairy manure, slurry emitted 1.9 times more greenhouse gas than the compost. Stockpiled manure emitted 1.5 times more greenhouse gas than the compost. Methane was the dominant gas in both the slurry and the stockpile. Nitrous oxide represented most of the compost emissions and a significant portion of the stockpile emissions.

For beef manure, emissions of CH4 and N2O were much lower than from dairy manure. Emissions of CH4 and N2O were 1.3 times higher from stockpiled beef manure than from compost and 4­6 times higher from slurry than from compost.

These results indicate that aerobic storage such as composting may limit the greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, creating fully anaerobic conditions during storage promotes emission of CH4 that could be collected and used as a fuel.

Photo: Improved manure storage.

Bins in which the manure was stored either as slurry, stockpiled, or for composting. A large enclosure was installed over each bin, and the gas emissions were monitored for a given time.

(E. Pattey, AAFC)

Optimize timing of nitrogen application: When the N is applied is as important as the rate of addition. Ideally, farmers should apply N just prior to the time of maximum uptake by the crop. Wherever possible, they should avoid applying fertilizer and manure in fall. Similarly, they should time the plough-down of N-rich crops, like legumes, so that N release from the residues coincides with subsequent crop demands.

Improve soil aeration: Denitrification, and hence N2O emission, is favored by the low oxygen levels that usually occur in saturated soil. As a result, farmers can reduce emission of N2O by managing soil water-draining soils prone to water-logging, avoiding over-application of irrigation water, and using tillage practices that improve soil structure.

Use improved fertilizer formulations: Some research suggests that certain forms of fertilizer emit more N2O than others. Highest emissions may occur from anhydrous ammonia; lowest from forms containing NO3-. This finding suggests that, by selecting appropriate fertilizers, farmers could reduce N2O release. However, the differences among forms of fertilizer have not yet been widely verified in Canada. Another option is to use slow-release fertilizers, such as sulfur-coated urea. These forms release available N gradually; they feed the crop yet prevent available N from accumulating. Though effective in reducing N2O emissions, slow-release forms may only be economical for high-value crops.

Photo: New technology of manure treatment New technology of manure treatment

Scientists have introduced a new manure treatment process based on the use of anaerobic microorganisms in sequencing batch bioreactors (ASBR). Trials performed in the laboratory showed that the ASBR technology is very stable and versatile and works well at low temperatures (between 10 and 20ºC). Furthermore, the bioreactors need to be fed only once a week, during regular manure removal.

The airtight reservoir needed to maintain anaerobic conditions in the bioreactor completely eliminates any emissions of greenhouse gas during treatment and storage. The biogas can be recovered and used for energy on the farm.

The technology also has other interesting benefits. It deodorizes and stabilizes the swine manure slurry leading to the degradation of most of the 150 odor-causing substances in the manure. Furthermore, this technology increases the availibility of nitrogen and phosphorus to crops and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

(D. Massé and F. Croteau, AAFC)

Use appropriate fertilizer placement: Placing fertilizer in close proximity to crop roots can improve the efficiency of nutrient use, allowing the farmer to achieve high yields with lower rates of application. On the other hand, placing the fertilizer too deep in the soil, or concentrating forms like urea in bands, may increase N2O emissions.

Use nitrification inhibitors: Certain chemicals, applied with fertilizers or manures, inhibit the formation of NO3- from NH4+. Their use may suppress N2O formation in several ways: it reduces N2O formation during nitrification, it prevents denitrification of accumulated NO3-, and, because NH4+ does not leach easily, it prevents loss of N into groundwater where denitrification could occur.

Use cover crops: Where the growing season is long enough, farmers can sow crops after harvest to extract excess soil NO3-, which prevents it from leaching or converting to N2O.

Lime acid soils: Because it is favored by acidity, N2O emission can be suppressed by applying neutralizing lime to acid soils.

Reduce tillage intensity: Though results are still inconsistent, some studies in Canada suggest that N2O emission may be lower in no-till than in conventional tillage. If confirmed, this observation may point to no-till as a method of reducing emissions, at least in some soils.

These practices can help reduce N2O emissions in many settings. Because N2O fluxes are so sporadic, however, all these practices cannot yet be recommended with confidence across Canadian soils and cropping systems. But those that improve the efficiency of N use are often already justified for reasons quite apart from reduced N2O emission. Fertilizers account for about 9% of production costs on farms, and any method that reduces N losses has economic benefits.

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Date Modified: 2003-08-27