Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

2005-2010 Strategic Plan: Our Waters, Our Future

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The Strategic Plan at a Glance

Our Waters, Our Future is based on a sensible approach to doing business. That means using an integrated approach to planning that balances our commitments (what we must and want to do) with our available resources (what we can do).

Our Story

The work of Fisheries and Oceans Canada is important to Canadians. As a department, we ensure Canada's fisheries, freshwater and oceans are sustainable resources for the benefit of generations to come. We do this by keeping our oceans and freshwater healthy and full of aquatic life, by managing fisheries to be sustainable resources, and by maintaining the waterways so they are safe and accessible for the use of mariners and all Canadians. Our work also reflects key Government of Canada commitments like the Oceans Action Plan and delivering on federal responsibilities to Aboriginal communities.

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Our Values

As Canadians working within DFO, we value respect, integrity and taking responsibility for our words and actions. Each of us contributes to creating and achieving our vision, mission, objectives and priorities.

Our Vision

Excellence in service to Canadians to ensure the sustainable development and safe use of Canadian waters.

Our Mission

It is our mission, as DFO employees, to deliver to Canadians the following outcomes:

  • Safe and Accessible Waterways;
  • Healthy and Productive Aquatic Ecosystems; and
  • Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture.

In working toward these outcomes, the Department will be guided by the principles of sound scientific knowledge and effective management.

The full text of DFO's Strategic Plan is available at:



Last updated : 2005-03-31

Important Notices