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Veterans Affairs Canada - Canada Remembers
Tips for Searching

  • Only use information that you are sure about.
  • Searches are not case sensitive. Search criteria may be entered in upper, lower or mixed case.
  • A Surname or part of a Surname is required to successfully complete an inquiry.
  • If you are unsure of the exact spelling of the Surname, try using the first two or three letters of the Surname.
  • A maximum of 500 responses will be provided for each search.
  • Providing a Given Name or an Initial will help narrow down the number of search responses.
  • You can search by full Given Name or part of the Given Name.
  • Separate multiple Given Names by a space. Do not use commas or periods.
  • If you are unsure of the exact spelling of the Given Name, try using the first two or three letters of the Given Name or try using Initial.
  • At least one Initial should be used. Separate multiple Initials with a space. Do not use commas or periods.
  • Multiple Given Names or Initials in the wrong order will cause an inquiry to miss the required record.
  • If the surname contains spaces (e.g. Le Blanc), it may appear in the database with or without the space (Le Blanc or LeBlanc).
  • If the surname contains a period as in St. Pierre, it will appear in the database as St(space)Pierre.
  • Try using Wild Cards.

A Wild card is a term used to describe a search technique which enables a range of names to be matched from a fragment of a name. "%" can be used to replace a string of text within your search. This technique ensures that the widest range of records are searched in an attempt to find the correct one.


Entering a Surname as %donald will return the following search responses:


Updated: 2000-10-22