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Situational Judgement Test (C300 - C301)

Information sheet for candidate


The CCRA Situational Judgement Test (SJT) assesses judgement in work-related situations. The test presents candidates with a number of challenging situations that an employee or a manager might encounter at work while dealing with colleagues. These situations may include managing conflicts, serving clients, and dealing with ethical issues. Each situation is followed by five possible actions that one might take in response to the problem described. Candidates are asked to select one alternative that they think is the most effective in dealing with the problem described in each situation and one alternative that they think is the least effective.

There are two versions of the SJT: the management version and the recruitment version. Both tests are available in English and in French. The management version has 86 questions and a time limit of two hours. The recruitment version has 102 questions and a time limit of two hours twenty minutes.

Two examples are provided below representing the type of question you could expect in each version of the test, respectively. The answers are based on a majority of executives' responses.

Example: management version

Your staff has very old computer equipment that compromises their work. New computer equipment arrives but it is only enough for 20% of your staff. Your superior tells you to take one of the new computers and to divide up the rest as you see fit.
  1. The most effective response to this situation would be: (e)
  2. The least effective response to this situation would be: (c)
    1. Distribute the new computers according to seniority of employees.
    2. Take one new computer for yourself and allocate the rest based on the work needs of each employee.
    3. Have a draw and those who win get new computers.
    4. Give the new computers to those employees who are more productive.
    5. Meet with your staff and establish criteria for distributing the new computers

Situational Judgement Test
Information sheet for candidate

Example: recruitment version

One of your coworkers receives many more letters of appreciation from clients for excellent service than anyone else in your unit, and is frequently praised by your manager for representing your unit so well. One day you overhear her on the telephone saying: "If you really like my service, you should write to my director and tell him. His name is... "
  1. The most effective response to this situation would be: (b)
  2. The least effective response to this situation would be: (d)
    1. Do nothing.
    2. Explain to the coworker that what she is doing is unprofessional.
    3. Tell your director what you overheard.
    4. Do the same in the future.
    5. Congratulate your coworker as she is obviously rendering good service.

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