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Writing Skills in English (WSE)

Multiple Choice Test (MCT)

Proficiency Levels 1, 2 and 3
Handbook for Candidates

February 2005, Version 2.0
Test number: B300

For simplicity, the masculine gender is generally used to represent males and females throughout this document.

Description of the test

This test assesses three levels of proficiency in writing skills:

  1. Basic awareness of the subject matter and where it fits into the business of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. Is able to direct people to the appropriate source for further information.

  2. Demonstrates basic capability and can apply in common situations that present limited problems. Requires guidance to deal with the more complex situations.

  3. Demonstrates solid capability and good working knowledge, and independently undertakes a full range of typical challenges.

The test contains 112 questions where you choose the correct answer from among 4 or 5 choices. The time limit to answer all the questions is 90 minutes (1 hour and 30 minutes).

What is measured?
  • Sentence structure
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Capitalization and punctuation

Tips on preparing for the test

Before taking the test

  • You may find it useful to review textbooks on grammar, sentence structure, and writing techniques. Try the following references: Errors in English and Ways to Correct Them (Shaw 1993) and The Elements of Style (Strunk Jr. & White, 1998).

  • Use memory aids to help with spelling (e.g., use "i" before "e" except after "c").

  • Practise doing crossword puzzles to enhance your vocabulary and spelling.

  • Practise answering the sample test questions under time limits to become more accustomed to time pressures.

  • Practise by having a friend dictate sentences to you, and then check your spelling.

  • Seek coaching on writing skills from someone who has strong writing skills. Ask this individual to review a sample of your writing and give feedback on its style, organization, mechanics, and ideas.

The day of the test

  • If you do not feel well on the day of the test and think this will have an impact on your test results, consider taking the test on another day. Make sure to let your Human Resources Advisor know about your decision.

  • Determine the exact location, date, and time of the test. It is up to you to know these details.

  • Arrive in plenty of time so that you do not feel rushed or overly stressed. You will not be admitted to the testing room once the testing session is in progress.

  • Let your Human Resources Advisor know before the test session if you have a disability that could affect your test performance. Alternative forms of the test or administrative aids will be made available to help you.

When taking the test

  • Read the instructions thoroughly and completely before you begin.

  • Calculate how many questions you need to complete within the time limit, and pace yourself accordingly to finish the test on time.

  • Read each question thoroughly. Make sure you understand the question before answering.

  • IMPORTANT: please note that in the actual test - vocabulary subtest there are two sections. Section 1 asks that you best define the word in bold and Section 2 asks that you state the opposite of the bolded word.

  • Try to determine an answer before you look at the choices, but make sure you read all of the choices before identifying a final answer. If you are not sure of the answer, eliminate those that do not apply first. From the remaining answers, make your choice. If you are uncertain, take your best guess. There is no penalty for incorrect answers.

  • Make sure you fill in the correct response choice on your answer sheet. For some questions there may be four possible choices, and for others there may be five possible choices. Only fill one choice on your answer sheet. If you fill in more than one choice, the question will be scored as a wrong answer.

  • Work quickly and do not spend too much time on one question. If you are uncertain after reviewing the answers, move to the next question. When you have finished, return to the questions you skipped.

  • Ensure that the number on the answer sheet corresponds to the number of the question you are answering.

  • If you finish the exercise before the time is up, review your work. This is time well spent.

  • If you are not finished and the test time is almost up, use what is left of it to quickly complete the answer sheet, even if you did not fully read all the questions.

After the test

  • Your scores are valid for an indefinite period of time provided that the test standards do not change. If the test standards change, you may be asked to complete a different test to re-establish your level of proficiency.

  • If you do not achieve the level of proficiency assessed by this test (level 1,2 and 3), you will be eligible to rewrite the test after a period of 180 days.

Sample test questions

General instructions and three practice questions have been provided for each of the subtests. Read the instructions carefully for each section and try the test - then compare your answers with the answer key at the back of this handbook.

Subtest 1: Basic spelling

Section I

This section consists of sentences that may contain spelling errors. Each sentence is split into four segments preceded by the letter (a), (b), (c), or (d). At the end of each sentence, the choice "(e) no error" also appears. Your task is to determine which one of the sentence segments (if any) contains a word that is spelled incorrectly. Indicate your response by selecting (a), (b), (c), or (d). Choose (e) only if you believe the sentence does not contain a spelling error.

  1. Yesterday, (a) neather my brother nor I were able to go to school because the (b) weather was very (c) stormy and our road was (d) inaccessible. (e) no error

  2. The (a) committee spent the (b) whole evening (c) argueing about how to make up the year's shortfall in (d) revenue. (e) no error

  3. The (a) answers to the test questions were (b) accidentely left on the board, and a number of students took full (c) advantage of this rare (d) opportunity. (e) no error

Section II

Choose which of the four words shown is spelled incorrectly. Each word is identified as answer choice (a), (b), (c), or (d). The choice "(e) no error" appears at the end of each line. Indicate your answer by selecting (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e).

  1. (a) adolescence (b) article (c) government (d) asisstance (e) no error

  2. (a) grammar (b) magazine (c) mathamatics (d) interfere (e) no error

  3. (a) marriage (b) oscillate (c) separate (d) quarter (e) no error

Subtest 2: Capitalization and punctuation

The questions in this subtest consist of a sentence that may contain incorrect use of punctuation or capitalization. Read the sentences carefully and identify the error(s). Errors may include incorrect use of or missing punctuation and capitalization. Some sentences may contain more than one error, and others may contain none. Whatever the case, you should choose only one answer. Indicate your response by selecting (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e). Below are the names given to the various forms of punctuation:









Quotation marks

" "

Question mark


Exclamation mark


  1. My brother, Frank is an accountant who works for the government.

    (a) capitalization (b) period (c) comma (d) both a and c (e) none of these

  2. When John fell the contents of the bag spilled all over the sidewalk oranges, bread, lettuce and a soda pop can.

    (a) comma (b) capitalization (c) colon (d) both a and c (e) both b and c

  3. Yesterday, my father and mother celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary, and they left for a Mediterranean cruise.

    (a) comma (b) period (c) capitalization (d) question mark (e) no error

Subtest 3: Grammar

Section I

Each question in this section presents four sentences. Identify which sentence is grammatically correct. Indicate your response by selecting (a), (b), (c), or (d).

  1. (a) Last week, we cut down the tree that we had planted 20 years ago, and we cried bitter tears as the saw made the final cuts.

    (b) Last week, we cut down the tree that we had planted 20 years ago, we cried bitter tears as the saw made the final cuts.

    (c) The tree that we had planted 20 years ago last week was cut down and we cried bitter tears as the saw made the final cuts.

    (d) The tree was cut down last week after 20 years and we cried.

  2. (a) The Prince, having realize that he was fatally wounded, quickly recounted the tale of treachery and deceit.

    (b) The Prince quickly recounted the tale of treachery and deceit when he realized that he was fatally wounded.

    (c) When he realized that he was fatally wounded the Prince quickly recounted the tale of treachery and deceit.

    (d) Having realized that he was fatally wounded the tale of treachery and deceit was quickly recounted.

  3. (a) The desperate mother pleaded with the judge to sentence her son to community service because she were terrified at the thought him going to prison.

    (b) The desperate mother was terrified at the thought of her son going to prison, so she pleaded for community service.

    (c) Pleading with the judge for community service, the mother was desperate and didn't want her son to go to prison.

    (d) The desperate mother pleaded with the judge to sentence her son to community service because she was terrified by the thought of her going to prison.

Section II

This section consists of a sentence in which words or groups of words are highlighted in bold. Read each sentence carefully, and then choose which of the highlighted word(s) represents an error in grammar. Each word or group of words is preceded by the letter (a), (b), or (c). If none of the highlighted word(s) is grammatically incorrect, then choose answer (d) "no error." Indicate your response by selecting (a), (b), (c), or (d).

  1. The party (a) was beginning to (b) become dull, so Jean and Christine (c) called a taxi to take her home. (d) no error

  2. The class (a) were going (b) on a trip to the (c) Museum of Civilization. (d) no error

  3. The book (a) was very special as (b) they had been (c) passed down through three generations. (d) no error

Subtest 4: Sentence sequencing

This subtest consists of paragraphs that each contains four sentences. Read each paragraph carefully, and then choose the most logical sequence for the sentences. Indicate your response by selecting (a), (b), (c), or (d).

  1. (a) By the end of January, many people experience what is known as "cabin fever." (b)Winters in Canada are cold and long. (c) The symptoms are irritability, depression, and frustration. (d) To treat this ailment, some people go on vacation to a warm destination while the rest of us just grit our teeth until spring.

    (a) A-B-C-D   (b) A-C-D-B   (c) D-A-C-B   (d) B-A-C-D

  2. (a) The hardened soap was cut into bars and left to cure for a month. (b) In the early pioneer days, modern luxuries such as ready-made soap were non-existent. (c) During the soap-making process, hot lye and fats were mixed together and left for a few days to harden. (d) People made their own crude, harsh soap with items they kept on hand in the kitchen.

    (a) A-B-C-D   (b) B-D-C-A   (c) D-A-C-B   (d) B-A-C-D

Subtest 5: Vocabulary

Section I

Select the word or phrase among the various options that best defines the word in bold. Indicate your response by selecting (a), (b), (c) or (d).

  1. Repulsive   (a) disgusting   (b) beautiful   (c) cluttered   (d) untidy

  2. Ominous   (a) happy   (b) threatening   (c) perfect   (d) stormy

  3. Lenient   (a) severe   (b) wise   (c) not strict   (d) abusive

Section II

Select the word or phrase among the various options that is the opposite of the bolded word. Indicate your response by selecting (a), (b), (c), or (d).

  1. Versatile   (a) well-rounded   (b) poorly dressed   (c) inflexible   (d) lively

  2. Hostile   (a) aggressive   (b) arrogant   (c) slight   (d) amicable

  3. Gentle   (a) rough   (b) delicate   (c) clumsy   (d) nice


Subtest 1 - Spelling

Section I

  1. The correct answer is (a). The word "neather" should be spelled "neither."

  2. The correct answer is (c). The word "argueing" should be spelled "arguing."

  3. The correct answer is (b). The word "accidentely" should be spelled "accidentally."

Section II

  1. The correct answer is (d). The word "asistance" should be spelled "assistance."

  2. The correct answer is (c). The word "mathamatics" should be spelled "mathematics."

  3. The correct answer is (e). There are no spelling errors.

Subtest 2: Capitalization and punctuation

  1. The correct answer is (c). A comma should be inserted directly after the name "Frank."

  2. The correct answer is (d). A comma should be inserted directly after the word "fell." When there are at least three grammatically similar items (words, phrases, clauses, sentences, etc.) in a series and the last item is preceded by "and," a comma is placed between the first two items and before the "and" preceding the last item. Also, a colon should be inserted directly after the word "sidewalk."

  3. The correct answer is (e). There are no errors in this sentence.

Subtest 3: Grammar

Section I

  1. The correct answer is (a). In (b), the conjunction "and" should be inserted after the word "ago." In (c), the phrase "last week" is misplaced. In question (d), a comma should be placed before the word "after" and after the word "years."

  2. The correct answer is (b). In (a), the word "realize" should be substituted with the word "realized." In (c), a comma should be inserted after the word "wounded." In (d), a comma should be inserted after the word "wounded."

  3. The correct answer is (b). In (a), the word "were" should be substituted with the word "was." In (c), there is a misplaced modifier in the first clause. Misplaced modifiers are single words, phrases, or clauses that do not point clearly to the word or words they modify. In (d), the word "her" should be substituted with the word "him."

Section II

  1. The correct answer is (c). The word "her" should be substituted with the word "them."

  2. The correct answer is (a). The word "were" should be substituted with the word "was."

  3. The correct answer is (b). The word "they" should be substituted with the word "it."

Subtest 4: Sentence sequencing

  1. The correct answer is (d). Sentence (b) is the introductory sentence. Sentence (a) introduces the main topic of the paragraph. Sentence (c) gives further detail regarding the topic. Sentence (d) provides a concluding idea.

  2. The correct answer is (b). Sentence (b) is the introductory sentence. Sentence (d) introduces the main topic of the paragraph. Sentence (c) gives further detail regarding the topic. Sentence (a) provides a concluding idea.

Subtest 5: Vocabulary

Section I

  1. The correct answer is (a). The word "repulsive" is most similar in meaning to the word "disgusting."

  2. The correct answer is (b). The word "ominous" is most similar in meaning to the word "threatening."

  3. The correct answer is (c). The word "lenient" is most similar in meaning to the phrase "not strict."

Section II

  1. The correct answer is (c). The expression that is opposite in meaning to the word "versatile" is "inflexible."

  2. The correct answer is (d). The expression that is opposite in meaning to the word "hostile" is "amicable."

  3. The correct answer is (a). The expression that is opposite in meaning to the word "gentle" is "rough."

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