inside the museum
Permanent Exhibits


New Exhibits
Special Events
Green Legacy
July 1, 2006 to January 14, 2007 - Level 2

Explore the beauty and vulnerability of some of Canada’s rare native plants, from the Canadian Museum of Nature and the Royal Botanical Garden. This exhibit helps you learn all about the factors that affect our environment and how you can play a role in the survival and recovery of Canada’s threatened plants.

Cottage Hospitals:
Celebrating 70 Years of Caring

September 26 , 2006 to January 12, 2007 - Level 2

From the cradle onwards, a unique system of nineteen cottage hospitals, six nursing stations and a clinic on a boat once provided quality medical care all over Newfoundland.  This exhibit takes you inside their walls to share the stories of the dedicated people who worked in these distinct hospitals.

One Way Passage : Canada's War Brides
October 22 to January 21, 2007 - Level 4

Between 1942 and 1948, almost 44,000 women came from Europe to Canada to join their servicemen husbands.  To celebrate their lives and to mark the Year of the War Bride, artist Bev Tosh has created this inspiring installation – 52 life-sized portraits  . . . standing shoulder to shoulder . . . leaning on and supporting one another . . . in art as in life.

Traditions in Transition
Contemporary Hooked Rugs of Newfoundland and Labrador

November 2 to January 21, 2007 - Level 4

These are not your grandmother’s hooked rugs - Mats that comment on offshore oil, some that incorporate bark and twigs, photographs and jewelry - and one that’s even hooked with wire on sheet metal . Curator Gloria Hickey has put together the recent work of 21 textile artists to show how they are taking this traditional craft in whole new directions using some very unconventional materials and processes.

Seniors' Seminars

Do you have a few free afternoons this Fall to meet some very interesting people and learn more about the green and growing parts of nature?

Find out more

Are you’re interested in learning about the history of Newfoundland and Labrador?

Would you like to share this knowledge with school children?

The Rooms Provincial Museum is looking for some great volunteers to help with school programs.

For more information, call Bob Forsey at 757-8093, or email at

Send Us Your Bright Ideas

We’re busily planning a full schedule of special events for next fall and winter.

Is there anything you’d like to know more about?

What would you like to see and do at The Rooms Provincial Museum?

Send your suggestions for lectures and other public programs to:

We’ll look forward to hearing from you.

Essential Information for Planning your Visit...