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February 2004

More Information On-line

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has created a Web site to help Canadian farmers and consumers learn about reduced-risk pesticides and the benefits from their increased availability. The Risk Reduction Program highlights priorities for pest management tools that reduce pesticide risks. Under the program, AAFC works with provincial and industry partners to determine pest-management gaps and sectorial needs. The Minor Use Program will help improve access to such pesticides. AAFC collaborates with producers, industry and the provinces to match pest problems with appropriate pesticides, conduct field tests and prepare pesticide submissions for federal approval. For details on how these programs contribute to Canadian competitiveness in global markets, contribute to a healthier environment and result in safer food, see .
Michel Germain, (613) 759-7834 or (418) 657-7985

Pooling Resources, Reaching Goals

Co-operatives are dynamos of community development across Canada. More than 9,000 co-ops engage 70,000 volunteers, employ 160,000 people and encourage healthier, stronger communities where people have pooled their resources and share the risks. To help these important organizations achieve their goals, the Co-operatives Secretariat at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has a program called the Co-operative Development Initiative. The program components are Advisory Services, and Innovation and Research. The Advisory Services, delivered by the Canadian Co-operative Association and the Conseil Canadien de la coopération, are offered to assist developing and growing co-operatives. The Innovation and Research component will test how co-operatives work in areas of federal priority where they contribute to economic and social development or deliver services to hard-to-reach or disadvantaged Canadians. More information is available at or by calling 1-888-781-2222.
Alain Roy, (613) 759-7197

New Farm Income Protection Program

A new program is in place to help Canadian farmers plan for the future in an industry subject to surprising challenges. The recently announced Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program offers farmers the assurance of long-term funding for income protection. Negotiations to develop additional features for the program continue with federal-provincial- territorial agriculture ministers are discussing changes, including coverage of negative margins - when a producer's eligible expenses are greater than their eligible income. Other proposed changes include raising the government cap on payments for an individual operation from $975,000 to $3 million. More flexible deposit options are also being considered for 2003 and beyond. The CAIS program will be reviewed annually.
Ellen Funk, (204)-984-5751

Not A Summer Employment Program

The Government of Canada annually helps up to 100 agri-science and veterinary college and university graduates find longer-term employment. The Career Focus Program of the Youth Employment Strategy funds science and technology internships to help young people gain work experience. At Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Career Focus has $800,000 to contribute to projects that offer internships lasting up to 12 months. Organizations in agri-food science or veterinary medicine that want to sponsor an internship must submit proposals, recruit graduates and share the cost of each project. The program is intended for unemployed or under-employed young people who have studied in a science program focused on biological, agricultural and veterinary science or applied technology.
Jocelyne Martineau, (450) 346-4494, ext. 182

Date Modified: 2005-04-20
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