Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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High Seas Task Force on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Final Report

March 2006

The High Seas Task Force was formed in December 2003 to develop an action plan to achieve comprehensive solutions to the global IUU fishing problem. The group comprises fisheries ministers of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Chile and Namibia, as well as directors-general of WWF International, the World Conservation Union and the Earth Institute.

In its final report, the High Seas Task Force identifies a number of key measures to expose IUU fishing, deter it, and improve enforcement against those responsible. The measures include:

  • Commit resources to the International Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) Network so it has analytical capacity and can provide training to developing countries.
  • Develop a public database of information relating to the high seas fishing fleet, called the High Seas Fishing Vessel Information System.
  • Promote broader participation in the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Compliance Agreement.
  • Press for better high seas governance through the promotion of standards for regional fisheries management organizations and by commissioning an independent high-level panel to develop an RFMO model.
  • Adopt guidelines so flag states perform to the highest standards in meeting obligations set out in international fisheries instruments with respect to their high seas fishing vessels.
  • Promote the concept of responsible port states that make full use of port controls and trade measures under international law.
  • Fill critical gaps in scientific knowledge and assessment through the establishment of a small network of institutions to research and analyze IUU fishing catch and bycatch.
  • Address some of the needs of developing countries by targeting improvements in MCS and flag state control, and addressing broader governance issues in these countries.
  • Promote better use of technological solutions by enhancing the integrity of vessel monitoring systems and promoting better sharing of data within RFMOs.

The final report of the High Seas Task Force, including a summary of the proposals, and photos of the launch event are posted at


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    Last updated: 2006-03-16

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