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Catalogue no.TitleOther media
85-002-X Juristat Paper
85-003-X Victim Services in Canada: National, Provincial and Territorial Fact Sheets  
85-205-X Canadian Crime Statistics  
85-211-X Adult Correctional Services in Canada  
85-217-X Legal Aid in Canada, Description of Operations  
85-222-X Corrections Key Indicator Report for Adults and Young Offenders  
85-223-X Crime and Police Resources in Canadian Municipalities  
85-224-X Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile  
85-225-X Police Resources in Canada  
85-226-X Youth Custody and Community Services Data Tables  
85-227-X Criminal Justice Indicators  
85-228-X Child and Spousal Support: Maintenance Enforcement Survey Statistics  
85-402-X Criminal Prosecutions: Personnel and Expenditures  
85-403-X Courts Personnel and Expenditures  
85-404-X Transition Homes in Canada: National, Provincial and Territorial Fact Sheets  
85-510-X National Directory of Courts in Canada  
85-542-X An Overview of the Differences Between Police-reported and Victim-reported Crime  
85-544-X A Profile of Youth Justice in Canada Paper
85-545-X Alternative Measures in Canada  
85-546-X Youth Custody and Community Services in Canada  
85-547-X Civil Justice Project: The Use of Time Limits and Formal Notification in Civil Case Management  
85-548-X Organized Crime Activity in Canada: A Pilot Survey of 16 Police Services  
85-549-X Civil Courts Study Report  
85-550-X The Use of Custodial Remand in Canada  
85-551-X Hate Crime in Canada: An Overview of Issues and Data Sources  
85-552-X Maintenance Enforcement Programs in Canada: Description of Operations  
85-553-X A Profile of Criminal Victimization: Results of the 1999 General Social Survey  
85-554-X General Social Survey Cycle 13. Overview: Personal Safety and Perceptions of Policing  
85-555-X A Statistical Profile of Persons Working in Justice-related Professions in Canada, 1996  
85-556-X Organized Crime in Canada: An Investigation Into the Feasibility of Collecting Police-level Data  
85-557-X Hate Crime Study: Summary Results of Consultations  
85-558-X Cyber-crime: Issues, Data Sources, and Feasibility of Collecting Police-reported Statistics  
85-559-X Special Study on Mentally Disordered Accused and the Criminal Justice System  
85-560-X Conditional Sentencing in Canada: A Statistical Profile  
85-561-M Crime and Justice Research Paper Series  
85-562-X Restorative Justice Programs and Services in Criminal Matters: Summary of Consultations  
85-563-X Exploring the Involvement of Organized Crime in Motor Vehicle Theft  
85-564-X Collecting Data on Aboriginal People in the Criminal Justice System: Methods and Challenges  
85-565-X General Social Survey on Victimization, Cycle 18: An Overview of Findings  
85-566-X General Social Survey, Cycle 18 Overview: Personal Safety and Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System  
85-567-X Community Corrections in Canada  
85-568-X General Social Survey on Victimization, Cycle 18: Personal Safety and Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System in the Territories  
85-569-X A Feasibility Report on Improving the Measurement of Fraud in Canada  
85-570-X Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends  
85-601-X A One-day Snapshot of Inmates in Canada's Adult Correctional Facilities  
85-602-X An Overview of the Issues Related to the Use of Personal Identifiers  
85F0015X Legal Aid in Canada: Resource and Caseload Statistics  
85F0018X A Graphical Overview of Crime and the Administration of Criminal Justice in Canada Paper
85F0019X Police Personnel and Expenditures in Canada  
85F0027X Bulletin - Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics  
85F0028X Legal Aid in Canada: Resource and Caseload Data Tables  
85F0030X Youth Court Data Tables  
85F0031X Police-reported Aboriginal Crime in Saskatchewan  
85F0032X Adult Criminal Court Data Tables  
85F0033M Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Profile Series  
85F0035X Feasibility Study on Crime Comparisons Between Canada and the United States  
85F0036X Technical Report on the Analysis of Small Groups in the 1999 GSS  


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