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CCHT Partners

From the start, CCHT was built and is operated as a partnership between three arms of the Government of Canada: National Research Council Canada (NRC) , the Buildings Energy Technology Group of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). These agencies have signed an MOU on the construction and operation of the facility. Two committees oversee and set the research agenda for CCHT: the CCHT Management Committee and the CCHT Research committee. Each has full representation by the three government agencies.

In addition, during the construction phase of the project, CCHT Partners sought financial and in-kind assistance for the construction of CCHT and received contributions from 37 companies .

CMHC-SCHLNatural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles CanadaNRC-CNRC

Date Published: 2004-08-06
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