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National Fire Code of Canada 1995

National Fire Code of Canada 1995

Revisions and Errata for National Construction Codes (pdf format)

CD-ROMAvailable on CD-ROM

The National Fire Code of Canada (NFC) establishes an adequate level of fire safety for both occupants and emergency responders - inside and outside of buildings and facilities. When applied, the NFC also limits the economic and environmental impact on the community of fires at premises where combustible products, dangerous goods or flammable and combustible liquids are stored, handled, used or processed.

The NFC complements the National Building Code of Canada, and both must be considered when constructing, renovating, or maintaining buildings.

162 pages
Ordering options: Online | Other
NRCC 38727
Binder: $69
Soft Cover: $64

Date Published: 2005-10-28
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