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NRC-IRC Software

COPE-Calc is an acoustics design program that can model the propagation of speech from one cubicle to another. It accounts for cubicle geometry, acoustical properties of materials and sound levels of background noise and speech. You can compare alternative workstation designs. The results can be displayed graphically; you can also listen to the results.

COPE-ODE accounts for cubicle geometry, light reflectivity and acoustical properties of materials and sound levels of background noise and speech. It also allows input of cost data which allows you to do cost-benefit comparison of alternative workstation designs. Outputs include physical measures of lighting and acoustic performance and indicators of satisfaction with lighting, privacy, and ventilation.

SLAB-D develops analytical models and decision support software that will help bridge owners optimize the life cycle design and maintenance management of reinforced concrete bridge decks.

Daysim Description and source code for various validated and easy-to-use daylight simulation tools to predict the annual daylight availability and artificial lighting demand in a building. The tools are based on the RADIANCE raytracing engine, the concept of daylight coefficients and the Perez sky model.

FiRECAMTM (Fire Risk Evaluation and Cost Assessment Model) is a computer program that can be used to assess the level of fire safety that is provided to the occupants in an apartment or office building by a particular fire safety design. In addition, the model can assess the associated fire costs that include capital expenditures, maintenance of the fire protection system and expected fire losses.

hygIRC 1-D: hygrothermal modeling tool is a one-dimensional state-ofthe-art modelling tool that helps you predict heat and moisture transfer within the building envelope. Designed to allow changing parameters, the program simulates the hygrothermal responses of each element to changing conditions on either side of the building envelope. The software provides information about the changes in temperature and relative humidity distribution within the various layers of the 'virtual' wall assembly over time.

IBANA (Insulating Buildings Against Noise from Aircraft) is a Windows-based software that will be more accurate and easier to use than previous design procedures. Sound insulation calculations are based on the characteristics of the aircraft noise, the sound insulation ratings and the areas of the various facade elements.

Indoor Air Quality Emission Simulation Tool (IA-QUEST) - Version 1.0 National Research Council Canada (NRC/IRC) launched a series of projects called "Consortium of Material Emissions and Indoor Air Quality Modeling (CMEIAQ)" with the overall goal of developing guidelines for indoor material selection and ventilation strategies to meet specific indoor air quality requirements. One of the major outcomes of the project was an Indoor Air Quality Emission Simulation Tool (IA-QUEST).

Lighting Quality Task Performance Software is a set of 4 software packages that were developed for the Lighting Quality Project. It includes three modules which simulate standard work-related tasks (typing, proofreading and a quality control task for objects on a conveyor belt) as well as a scheduler and a package to create and administer on-screen questionnaires.

Lightswitch Wizard is a daylighting analysis tool that has been developed to support daylighting-related design decisions in commercial buildings during an early design stage. The tool offers a comparative, reliable, and fast analysis of the amount of daylight available in single offices and classrooms as well as the lighting energy performance of automated lighting controls (occupancy sensors, photocells) compared to standard on/off switches. Blinds are either manually or automatically controlled. Predictions are based on pre-calculated RADIANCE simulations which are coupled with an empirical model that mimics manual lighting and blind control.

SkyVision is a new WINDOWS™-based software tool to calculate the optical and daylighting performance of various shapes and types of conventional and tubular skylights. Currently available for beta testing, the software is a useful tool whether you are a building designer or architect, skylight manufacturer or educator.

WARP is a decision support tool for effective planning of water main renewal. It is computer software that analyzes the historical breakage rates of water mains, projects future breakage rates, computes life-cycle costs, and generates planning scenarios. It also takes into account time-dependent effects such as climate and cathodic protection.

Date Modified: 2006-05-30
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