National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada Government of Canada
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NRC-CNRC Industrial Research Assistance Program
NRC-IRAP services
Advisory Services
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National Research Council (NRC)
Science & Technology Organizations
Technology Visits Program-Innovation Insights (TVPii)
Federal Partners in Technology Transfer (FPTT)
International Activities
NRC-IRAP Clients
How IRAP benefits Canadians
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Innovation Insights(ii) and Technology VisitsProgram(TVP)

Innovation Insights

"Exploring best practices"

Innovation Insights (ii), co-sponsored by the National Research Council Canada's Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) and the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME), provides an exclusive opportunity to fully explore the origins and applications of trend setting Best Practices. It does so in small groups and in an interactive framework that provides a unique opportunity to address specific concerns and idea exchange from both a strategic planning and on-the-floor viewpoint.
Experience real life situations, from real life companies which are open about the problems they have faced and how they overcame them. Find out for yourself what it takes for leading companies to maintain world class standards during a stimulating day of discussion and debate. Attendance for each event is limited. The fee to attend an iievent is $100.00/person/each event booked.
Contact the 'ii' team toll free:

Technology Visits

"Learn from the best"

The Technology Visits Program (TVP), co-sponsored by the National Research Council Canada's Industrial Research Assistance Program(NRC-IRAP) and the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) , provides senior executives a hands-on opportunity to see in operation the latest manufacturing technologies and innovative methods proven successful by leading-edge companies across Canada.Visits generally take about a half-day and cover various major technologies and management themes. There is no charge to attend a TVP visit, however, participants must arrange for their own travel to the tour site.
Call the TVP team toll free:

For Information on IRAP, or to reach an Industrial Technology Advisor (ITA) please contact the IRAP regional office nearest to you or call our toll-free number: 1-877-994-4727

IRAP toll-free number:1-877-994-4727

Date Modified: 2002-06-26
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