National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Government of Canada

International Opportunities

NRC-IRAP can assist Canadian SMEs in developing international collaborations. This program is being delivered in the regions; and our mandate is to provide SMEs and ITAs with effective and timely access to:
  • International expertise
  • Technologies
  • Strategic technologies and alliances
  • Joint activities
These initiatives will develop or improve technological innovation in SMEs and contribute to increasing their competitiveness.

NSERC -  NRC-IRAP University-SME Projects
: Collaborative Research and Development Program

NSERC, in partnership with the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) of the National Research Council Canada, has created a pilot initiative to facilitate the joint participation of Canadian industry and university researchers in international and national projects. Using an existing Research Partnership Programs mechanism, the Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) Program, IRAP and NSERC aim to increase the level of joint Canadian university-industry participation in international projects/collaborations and secure greater benefits to Canada.

For approved projects, NSERC could fund part of the university researcher and IRAP the Canadian based SME working on a joint project with international partners, such as in the European Union's Framework Program.



Denys Cooper
Tel: (613) 993-7620
Fax: (613) 952-1079


Guy Drapeau:
Tel: 613-996-2145br>

Canada-Israel Industrial Research & Development Foundation (CIIRDF):

Established in 1994, CIIRDF promotes collaborative industrial R&D between companies in Canada and Israel. With a sophisticated research base to draw on in each country, Canadian and Israeli companies are well suited to form productive partnerships. Sectors that are particularly well developed in Israel include communications, life sciences, electronics, semiconductors, software, photonics, aeronautics and homeland security.

CIIRDF is involved in three broad complementary activities: promoting and marketing the benefits of joint Canadian-Israeli R&D collaborations; matching companies in one country seeking a research partner in the other; and, supporting projects by contributing up to 50% of the joint R&D costs.

We promote partnerships where a joint R&D project builds on the capabilities of both partners to develop new products, processes or significant enhancements enabling wider product marketing. Partnerships are not intended to be primarily supplier-distributor relationships.

The collaborative agreement between NRC-IRAP and CIIRDF offers Canadian SMEs the option of considering a partnership with an Israeli counterpart in order to accelerate their innovation effort for global markets.

For more information, please contact:


Henri Rothschild
President Canada-Israel
Industrial Research and Development Foundation (CIIRDF)
Tel: (613) 724-1284

L'Agence nationale de la valorisation de la recherche (ANVAR):

IRAP and its equivalent in France, ANVAR, signed a collaboration agreement in 1997. The objectives on this agreement are to enhance the innovation process in Canadian and French SMEs and encourage strategic technological alliances between firms. Several technology missions and joint initiatives have already taken place. For more information, please contact:
Mr. Bogdan Ciobanu

Executive Director, NRC-IRAP - Quebec
> Tel: (450) 641-5305

To further facilitate technological partnerships between Canadian and French SMEs, IRAP and ANVAR have initiated and now completed an exchange of personnel. For any technology collaboration inquiries or technology needs, please contact Mathieu Lefaivre

To learn more about ANVAR and to access useful information such as annual reports on industrial sectors in France or French expressions of interest for technological/ financial or commercial partners, please visit the links below:

N.B. Some of the the information on this Web site has been provided by external sources and is available only in the language in which it was provided.

  • Bilans sectoriels (Rapports annuels sur l'évolution en France des principaux secteurs industriels)
  • Partenaires d'entreprises (Annonces d'entreprises aidées par l'ANVAR et qui recherchent des partenaires technologiques, financiers ou commerciaux).

To learn more about ANVAR, please visit their website at


Early in 2006, Canada was accepted to become a member of the European EuroTransBio international collaboration program. Projects involving SMEs and other organizations from at least 3 member countries [currently 8] may apply for approval of projects under the auspices of EuroTransBio. Participants may seek funding from their own national / regional funding programs. In Canada, that would normally be via IRAP and NSERC. See the website in Europe for members and competition dates and criteria at:

NRC-IRAP contact:

Pierre Bourassa
Tel:(514) 496-1209

NSERC contact:

Krystyna Miedzybrodzka
Director - Bio
Tel: (613) 992-5606

DFAIT Contact: Danièle Ayotte
Tel : (613) 995-2224
Fax : (613) 944-2452

Information Society Technologies Europe- Canada Project (IST-EC)

The Information Society Technologies Europe- Canada Project (IST-EC) is a two year initiative that connects the European and Canadian research community in key areas of IST (Information Society Technologies) and encourages joint research and technology development projects. The objective of IST-EC is to create co-operative participation in comparable Canadian and European R&D programs, with a focus on e-work, e-learning, e-commerce, e-culture and e-media.

For more information, please visit the following website: or contact:

Doug Colley
Phone: (613) 993-1933
Fax: (613) 952-1079

Jim Burt
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Phone: (613) 996-4292

Spain - IRAP SME Collaboration

In 2005, an agreement was signed to develop collaborations between Spanish firms and Canadian SMEs. The program is being delivered by Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CIDTI) in Madrid Spain, and NRC-IRAP in Canada; There is no set budget allocation of funds. Participants may seek funding from their own national / regional funding programs. For more information please contact:

Dr. Bill Dobson
Director, Ontario Region, NRC-IRAP
Tel: (416) 954-8330

For Information on NRC-IRAP, or to reach an Industrial Technology Advisor (ITA) please contact the NRC-IRAP regional office nearest to you or call our toll-free number: 1-877-994-4727

IRAP toll-free number:1-877-994-4727

Date Modified: 2002-06-02
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