var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); /****************************************************************************** * File: phaseVpopup.js * * Author: LC&D Popup Framework * * Copyright : Copyright (c) 2000-2005 LC&D Internet Publishing - All rights reserved * * Date: February 4, 2005 * * Description: Client Side JavaScript to manipulate HTTP Cookies, Popup the * survey window ******************************************************************************/ var surveyLanguage = 'EN'; function getCookie( name ) { if ( document.cookie == null ) return null; var cookies = document.cookie; var index = cookies.indexOf(name + "="); if ( index == -1 ) return null; index = cookies.indexOf("=", index) + 1; var endstr = cookies.indexOf(";", index); if ( endstr == -1 ) endstr = cookies.length; return unescape( cookies.substring( index, endstr ) ); } function setCookie(name, value, expiry ) { var dtExpire = new Date( expiry ); if ( value != null && value != "" ) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape( value ) + "; Version=1; Path=/; expires=" + dtExpire.toGMTString( ); } } function generateRandomNumber( intMin, intMax ) { return Math.round( Math.random( ) * ( intMax - intMin ) + intMin ); } var unLoad = 1; isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")!=-1) ? true : false; NS4 = (document.layers) ? true : false; IEmac = ((document.all)&&(isMac)) ? true : false; IE4plus = (document.all) ? true : false; IE4 = ((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4.")!=-1)) ? true : false; IE5 = ((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.")!=-1)) ? true : false; IE6 = ((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.")!=-1)) ? true : false; ver4 = (NS4 || IE4plus) ? true : false; NS6 = (!document.layers) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Netscape')!=-1)?true:false; IE5plus = IE5 || IE6; IEMajor = 0; if (IE4plus) { var start = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE"); var end = navigator.appVersion.indexOf(".",start); IEMajor = parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(start+5,end)); IE5plus = (IEMajor>=5) ? true : false; } var gSafeOnclick = new Array(); function SafeAddOnclick(f) { var tLen = gSafeOnclick.length; gSafeOnclick[gSafeOnclick.length] = f; return tLen; } function SafeDisableIntercept(i) { flagIntercept(); if (i >= 0) gSafeOnclick[i](); } function SafeShowIntercept(x, y) { gSafeOnclick[i](); showIntercept(x); } var gSafeOnload = new Array(); function SafeAddOnload(f) { if (IEmac && IE4) { window.onload = SafeOnload; gSafeOnload[gSafeOnload.length] = f; } else if (window.onload) { if (window.onload != SafeOnload) { gSafeOnload[0] = window.onload; window.onload = SafeOnload; } gSafeOnload[gSafeOnload.length] = f; } else window.onload = f; } function SafeOnload() { for (var i=0;i 0) continue; var obj = x[m].href; if ( obj.indexOf('mailto') < 0) { if ( obj.indexOf('javascript') >= 0 && obj.indexOf('javascript:showIntercept') < 0 ) { if ( obj.indexOf('javascript:;') >= 0 ) { x[m].href = "javascript:flagIntercept();"; continue; } else { x[m].onclick = flagIntercept; continue; } } if ( x[m].target != '_top' && x[m].target != null && x[m].target != "") continue; if(obj.indexOf('') < 0 && obj.indexOf('') < 0 && obj.indexOf('') < 0 && obj.indexOf('') < 0 && obj.indexOf('') < 0 ) { x[m].href = "javascript:showIntercept('" + x[m].href + "');"; } else { x[m].href = "javascript:disableOnExit('" + x[m].href + "');"; } } } if (document.getElementsByTagName) var x = document.getElementsByTagName('form'); else if (document.all) var x = document.all.tags('form'); else if (document.forms) var x = document.forms; for(m=0; m < x.length; m++) { x[m].onsubmit = flagIntercept; for (elm=0; elm < x[m].elements.length; elm++) { if (x[m].elements[elm].onclick) { var y = SafeAddOnclick(x[m].elements[elm].onclick); x[m].elements[elm].onclick = new Function("SafeDisableIntercept(" + y + ");" ); } } } if (document.getElementsByTagName) { x = document.getElementsByTagName('area'); if (x && x.length > 0) { for(m=0; m < x.length; m++) { obj = x[m].href; if ( obj.indexOf('javascript') >= 0 && obj.indexOf('javascript:showIntercept') < 0 ) { if ( obj.indexOf('javascript:;') >= 0 ) { x[m].href = "javascript:flagIntercept();"; continue; } else { x[m].onclick = flagIntercept; continue; } } if ( x[m].target != '_top' && x[m].target != null && x[m].target != "") continue; if(obj.indexOf('') < 0 && obj.indexOf('') < 0 && obj.indexOf('') < 0 && obj.indexOf('') < 0 && obj.indexOf('') < 0 ) { x[m].href = "javascript:showIntercept('" + x[m].href + "');"; } else { x[m].href = "javascript:disableOnExit('" + x[m].href + "');"; } } } x = document.getElementsByTagName('table'); if (x) { for (m=0; m < x.length; m++) { if (x[m].onclick) { y = SafeAddOnclick(x[m].onclick); x[m].onclick = new Function("SafeDisableIntercept(" + y + ");" ); } } } } SafeAddOnUnload(onExit); } function disableOnExit( loc ) { unLoad = 0; window.location = loc; } function onExit() { if (unLoad == 1) showIntercept( window.location ); } function flagIntercept( ) { unLoad = 0; } function showIntercept( loc ) { unLoad = 0; var number; number = generateRandomNumber( 1, 100 ); if ( number <= 0 ) { var dtExpire = new Date(2005,09,10); setCookie( "Phase5NRC2005Received", "true", dtExpire ); window.location = '' + surveyLanguage + '&source=' + escape( loc ); } else if (loc.length > 1) { window.location = loc; } } function displaySurvey( strSurvey ) { var newwindow2 = strSurvey ); newwindow2.focus( ); } function prepareIntercept( strLanguage ) { var intFrequency = 0; if (intFrequency == 0) return; if (top != self ) return; var strURL = new String(window.location); if (getCookie( "Phase5NRC2005Received" ) == null ) { surveyLanguage = strLanguage; if (strLanguage == "fr") surveyLanguage = "FR"; SafeAddOnload(onExitLinks); } return; } } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 16:53:36 Oct 25, 2006 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 19:19:24 Jul 12, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): RulesEngine.query: 0.011 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 15.61 */