National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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NRC Opens Its Doors - Photo Gallery
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NRC Opens Its Doors - Photo Gallery

The National Research Council (NRC) invites you to take a "virtual" tour, explore three NRC sites and observe Canadian science and innovation in action!

Black and white photo of the NRC Building located at 100 Sussex Drive. 100 Sussex Drive: Temple of Science
Admire the beauty of 100 Sussex Drive, a work of art that has housed some of Canada's scientific pioneers in its laboratories. This building's on-line tour includes historical photos of the marble staircases, the library, the main lobby, the auditorium and the original Council chambers.

Photo of the U-70 NRC Building. Low Speed Wind Tunnel (NRC-IAR)
Visit the NRC Institute for Aerospace Research (NRC-IAR) 9 m x 9 m wind tunnel. This low speed wind tunnel is used for a wide range of applications, including aerodynamic testing on aircraft, bridges, passenger vehicles, and even race cars.

Black and white photo of the M-59 NRC Building. Fire Risk Management Facility (NRC-IRC)
Explore the Fire Risk Management facility (Building M-59), where NRC employees develop computer models to assess fire risks.

Black and white photo of the M-20 NRC Building. Building Envelope and Structure (NRC-IRC)
In these laboratories (Building M-20), technologies are developed for the design, construction and operation of cost-effective building envelopes.

Date Published: 2003-05-22
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