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Highlights – May 2003

NRC Client Sails to Victory in 2003 America's Cup
America's Cup

The 2003 America's Cup sailing match and the qualifying round preceding it have cemented the already solid reputation of the NRC Institute for Marine Dynamics (NRC-IMD) among yacht designers. Read more about NRC's contribution to the winning team of the America's Cup.

Continued Success for NRC Life Science Spin-Offs
NRC has a long track record in creating new companies based on NRC research and technology. It has created over 50 firms since 1995, resulting in hundreds of new jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in new investment for Canada.
Find out more about NRC spin-off firms who recently attracted market interest for their innovative solutions.

New Investments In Young Scientists: NRC Women in Science and Engineering Program
NRC-ICPET female student  holding biosynthetic cornea material.McGill University student Amy Robinson said she was "absolutely ecstatic" after finding out she had been awarded an NRC Women in Science and Engineering (WES) placement. The program provides summer and co-op work placements for women pursuing undergraduate studies in science, engineering or mathematics.
Find out more about students like Amy who benefited from NRC's efforts to encourage talented female students to pursue professional careers in technical fields.

NRC Opens Industry Partnership Facility and Welcomes New Companies to Saskatchewan
On 4 May, the Honourable Ralph Goodale announced the opening of the NRC Plant Biotechnology Institute (NRC-PBI) Industry Partnership Facility (IPF) - a $15.4 million expansion that has already attracted new innovative firms to Saskatoon's world-class agrifood biotech cluster. Find out more about NRC's cluster-building efforts in the province.

Putting Research to Work for the Environment
As part of an international collaboration with Singapore, NRC researchers will be working to turn a hazardous waste into a usable construction product. Find out how NRC's valuable international linkages can benefit the environment.

Date Published: 2003-05-01
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