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Highlights – July 2003

Unique NRC-Industry Research Partnership Launched
A total of 13 world-class companies joined the NRC Industrial Materials Institute (NRC-IMI) in a R&D partnership focused on the exciting and rapidly-expanding field of polymer nanocomposites — plastic-based materials with remarkable properties. Known as PNC-Tech, this effort is the first multi-partner R&D initiative for nanocomposites in Canada, and one of the first in the world. Learn more about this partnership.

International Gemini Observatory Celebrates Success of New Canadian-built System
A team from NRC's Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (NRC-HIA) recently celebrated the successful deployment of its adaptive optics system at the seven-nation Gemini Observatory in Hawai. One of the first images produced by the system reveals the core of the globular cluster M13, the Hercules Star Cluster, in unprecedented detail. Read about this Canadian-made system.  

NRC Helping Develop Next Generation of Scientists
Anila Madiraju, top of the class at the 2003 national Aventis Biotechnology Challenge.Students from across Canada earned the chance to present the findings from their biotech research projects as part of the national Aventis Biotechnology Challenge (Challenge). NRC researchers helped mentor a number of teams participating in the challenge. NRC facilities across Canada were linked via videoconference as participants from 12 different cities made their presentations. Find out more about the national Aventis Biotechnology Challenge.  
Nanotechnology at NRC
A biologist, a physicist and a chemist - what is the connection between these highly specialized scientists? They are all nanotechnology researchers. And they all work for NRC. Nanotechnology is the art of creating practical structures out of individual atoms or molecules.
Learn how NRC will shape the future of Canada's nanotechnology effort.  

NRC - Building Technology Clusters Across Canada
Communities such as Montreal, Ottawa and Saskatoon have seen the tremendous growth that can occur when industry leaders and researchers come together to identify needs and develop solutions that touch the lives of people in their sphere of influence. Read to find out how NRC contributes to economic growth in communities across Canada

Date Published: 2003-07-01
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