National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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Highlights – June 2004

Global Reach
The Candida Albicans Genome
This photo shows Candida wild-type strains interacting with RAW264.7 mouse macrophage cells (nuclei stained with Hoescht 33342).An international effort spearheaded by NRC scientists has resulted in the first complete annotation of the Candida albicans genome. Learn about NRC's efforts to fully annotate this medically important human fungal pathogen.

Community Innovation
NRC Biomedical Technology Cluster in Winnipeg
NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics (NRC-IBD) in Winnipeg began breaking ground for a new industry partnership facility.In the Spring of 2004, NRC in Winnipeg began to break ground for a new industry partnership facility, known as the Centre for the Commercialization of Biomedical Technology. Find out more about this community initiative that will drive Manitoba's life sciences sector and seed the growth of a biomedical technology cluster.

Value for Canada
Technology Available for Licensing
To move NRC discoveries to the marketplace, we are seeking Canadian firms capable of exploiting NRC technologies and creating leading-edge commercial products. Interested? Find out about our Web database of NRC technologies available for licensing.

Creative People
Where Art, Science and Technology Converge
NRC-IFCI Artist-in-Residence Alan Storey immerses himself in fuel cell research and technology.NRC is proud of the excellence and creativity of its staff and nurtures these values through novel approaches. Read about the Artists-in-Residence for Research (AIRes) program that encourages collaboration between artists and researchers at NRC facilities.

A Research Update
Ceramic and Cermet Coatings
Researchers at NRC are continuing to explore and develop new possibilities for high-performance coatings.
Discover the benefits of these unique coatings, which are used in diverse applications such as aerospace and medicine.

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Date Published: 2004-06-01
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