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Highlights – March 2005

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 Mind in Matter

Aerospace is not just about planes, construction is not just about bricks and mortar and information technology is about more than wires, transistors and software. All of these fields involve real people. Learn about NRC's research carried out in the area of behavioural sciences.

 Pilots Learn to See in the DarkNRC employee testing the night vision goggles

Photo montage of a woman's head and her brain

 Neuroscience and Behaviour

A complete understanding of behaviour and cognition must embrace research in psychology as well as physiology and the very real physical changes that occur in the brain. Learn more about NRC research in this area.

Image of finger on a number pad

 Humans and Computers – Why Can't We Be Friends?

Products designed for mass-market use can fail miserably when actually put into use - think about the flashing 12:00 of your VCR! Find out more about NRC's human computer interaction research.

A NRC researcher interviews a mall shopper.

 Studying our Built Environment

The notion of office workers panicking while evacuating burning buildings is a "myth". Find out more about NRC research into how humans behave in and interact with their built environment, information that is helping address issues of health, safety and productivity.

 Additional Links

Annual Report  |  Building Codes  |  Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses  |  NRC-CISTI Library  |  NRC-Industrial Research Assistance Program  |  NRC Official Time

Date Published: 2005-03-02
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