National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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Vision 2006

Our Vision 

Science at work for Canada

Strategic Pillars
  Outstanding People – Outstanding Employer  
Excellence and Leadership in R & D
Technology Clusters
Value for Canada
Global Reach

Recognized globally for research and innovation, NRC is a leader in the development of an innovative, knowledge-based economy for Canada through science and technology.

In a fast-changing world, all organizations – even the very best – are not 100 per cent sure of where they will be in one year, let alone five or ten! But "the best" are absolutely sure of their priorities, their plans, and their purpose.

The National Research Council (NRC) is no different. NRC's is, therefore, as much a statement of what we are and how we are positioned as what we aspire to be and to see in the future. "What we are" is a unique organization in Canada with a global reach and a local touch, positioned to play a lead role in the innovative society and knowledge-based economy important to our success as a nation.

We are, in fact, the one and only national organization that blends the long-term vision inherent in leading-edge science with a capacity to adapt to change and go to work for Canada on the urgent issues of the day. This is the excitement, the challenge and the core of our Vision as an organization and our hopes for our country.

It is a difficult and challenging role that requires great people and great minds – creative and innovative people empowered by unusual dedication and a collective will to focus on the immediate without losing sight of a shared vision for the future. Throughout a long history of achievement, NRC and its employees have proven over and over again that they are up to the challenges this role brings and are committed to pursuing the ideal that is Canada's NRC.

Our Vision 2006 reaffirms NRC's commitment to our clients, to our partners, and to our country. I invite you to join with us and share in the drive, the stimulation and the rewards of seeing Science at work for Canada.

Arthur J. Carty
President, National Research Council Canada

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Date Modified: 2003-05-06
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