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Text: Ukaliq the Arctic Hare.
Illustration of an Arctic hare paw print.
Home | For Educators | References | Search | Français
Text: About the Arctic Hare. Photo: An Arctic hare. Text: Heritage, History and Art. Photo: A carving in walrus ivory of an Arctic hare. Text: Studying the Arctic Hare. Photo: David Gray looking through a spotting scope. Text: Games and Activities. Photo: An Arctic hare in mid-hop.
Texts: "Games and Activities", and "Ukaliq" in Inuktitut syllabics. Photos: An Arctic hare in mid-hop and a maple leaf.


Games Arcade


Video Collection


Hands-On Activities


3D Image Gallery


Image 1) Text: Activities for Educators. Photo: An Arctic hare chinning a satchel. Illustration: An Arctic hare paw print.



Games Arcade

Alternative Versions

Image 2) Game: Arctic Hare Cam. Text: Caught in the act... Arctic Hare Cam. Photo: Two Arctic hares.
Flash version (4 Mb)

Image 3) Game: Say It with Ears. Text: Get the message? Say It with Ears. Photo: An Arctic hare.
Flash version (290 Kb)

Image 4) Game: Spot the Hare. Text: No-one will find me... Spot the Hare. Photo: A young Arctic hare.
Flash version (3.5 Mb)

Image 5) Game: Bunny Stumpers. Text: Biology for 3000... Bunny Stumpers. Photo: An Arctic hare.
Flash version (545 Kb)

Image 6) Game: Build a Food Web. Text: What's for supper? Build a Food Web. Photo: An Arctic wolf.
Flash version (210 Kb)

Image 7) Game: Memory Game. Text: Find the hare pairs. Memory Game. Photo: An Arctic hare, doubled.
Flash version (115 Kb)

Online Word Games

Image 8) Game: Crossword: Life Cycle. Text: 6 Across: a 7-letter word for... Crossword: Life Cycle. Photo: An Arctic hare nursing several young.
Flash version (175 Kb)

Image 9) Game: Crossword: Predation. Text: How do you spell...? Crossword: Predation. Photo: An Arctic hare running.
Flash version (130 Kb)

Image 10) Game: Hidden Words. Text: Letters and lagomorphs. Hidden Words. Photo: An Arctic hare.
Flash version (185 Kb)

You must have Macromedia Flash 6 or greater in order to see these online games. You can download this software from the Macromedia Web site.

Alternative Versions






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Last update: 2006-02-22
© Canadian Museum of Nature, 2004. All rights reserved.
A Canadian Museum of Nature Web site, developed in cooperation with its partners.

Image credits: 1) S.D. MacDonald. 2) David R. Gray. 3) David R. Gray. 4) S.D. MacDonald. 5) David R. Gray. 6) David R. Gray. 7) David R. Gray. 8) S.D. MacDonald. 9) David R. Gray. 10) David R. Gray.