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Text: Canadian Museum of Nature.
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> Virtual Museum of Canada
> Exhibitions
. Ukaliq: The Arctic Hare
. Rock 'n Metal
. Butterflies North and South
. Dig This! The Cretaceous Period


Participation in the Virtual Museum of Canada

The Canadian Museum of Nature has collaborated on a wide range of projects for the Virtual Museum of Canada. This unique resource encourages the exploration of Canada's heritage through games, virtual exhibitions and online resources.

Nature participated in the following projects:

An Arctic hare.

Ukaliq: The Arctic Hare

Explore the Canadian North and get to know one of the beautiful mammals that lives there: the Arctic hare. Unpublished research, games, educational resources, photographs, videos -- nothing has been overlooked in helping you enrich your knowledge of Ukaliq.

Rock 'n Metal

This playful virtual exhibition is a motherlode of information on geology, mineral exploration, site rehabilitation and more. An interactive game will delve into your knowledge of this domain. You might even make the honour roll!

A butterfly.

Butterflies North and South

Produced jointly by museums in Canada and Peru, this Web site celebrates the beauty and diversity of butterflies. The focus is on the fact that these insects are emblematic of the dangers facing species all over the world, such as habitat destruction and deterioration, pollution and other human activities.

Dig This! The Cretaceous Period

Discover the world of the Cretaceous dinosaurs and see how scientists have reconstructed it using information gleaned from fossils. Learn more about palaeontology by playing Palaeo Pursuit.


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