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Future Of Health Care

Public Health Goals for Canada - A Federal, Provincial and Territorial commitment to Canadians
Federal, provincial and territorial governments have embarked on a national consultation process with public health stakeholders, experts and concerned Canadians to define public health goals for Canada. We invite you to participate to the on-line survey and e-forum.

2003 First Ministers' Accord on Health Care Renewal
The February 2003 Accord on Health Care Renewal sets out an action plan for reform that reflects a renewed commitment by governments to work in partnership with each other, with providers, and with Canadians in shaping the future of our public health care system.

Wait Times in Canada - Health Care System
The Wait Times Reduction Fund will augment existing provincial and territorial investments and assist jurisdictions in their diverse initiatives to reduce wait times. Provinces and territories are actively advancing initiatives to improve wait times through centralized registries and prioritization systems. Several provinces are now posting wait times information electronically.

Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada - Romanow Commission
The Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada was created to review Canada's health care system, engage Canadians in a national dialogue on its future, and make recommendations to enhance the system's quality and sustainability. It completed its mandate on December 31, 2002.