Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

October 13, 2006

Additional Information

Health - 738


The Saskatchewan government is strengthening the prevention and treatment of
substance abuse in the province.

Since the Premier's Project Hope was announced on August 4th, 2005, government
has worked with health regions and affiliated organizations to open new youth
detox, stabilization and treatment beds, restrict the sale of crystal meth
components and hire counsellors and community workers to help communities deal
with addictions issues.

"I am excited to see the progress of Project Hope in its first year," Premier
Lorne Calvert said. "Our vision was simple – to build a Saskatchewan in which
every child has the best possible chance of growing up free from addiction.
Through the work of the dedicated people involved in Project Hope in
communities across Saskatchewan, we are moving quickly toward that vision."

"As we take a moment to reflect on the past year, we see the solid progress on
the initiatives we committed to in Project Hope," Healthy Living Services
Minister Graham Addley said. "We are ahead of schedule on many commitments,
and continue to work with health regions and communities to improve treatment,
education and prevention initiatives to ensure we are making life better today
for families and building a better future for our youth."

In the past year, Saskatchewan has enacted legislation and set up an interim
unit for the short-term involuntary detoxification and stabilization of
addicted youth who are considered at high risk to harm themselves or others.

In October 2005, Saskatchewan Health created an Alcohol and Drug Prevention
and Education Directorate to co-ordinate prevention and public education
efforts by regional health authorities, schools and other agencies.

Addley said he will make further announcements about progress on the Premier's
Project Hope in the coming months.

For further information, please refer to the background document accompanying
this news release or visit the Saskatchewan Health web site at


For More Information, Contact:
Joan Petrie
Phone: (306) 787-4083
