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Health > Children > Conditions and Diseases > Genetics and Birth Defects > Tay-Sachs Disease

Provides health resources on Tay-Sachs disease (Tay Sachs disease), including information on the cause, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

Canadian Association for Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases

Provides information on the Canadian Association for Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases as well as resources on Tay-Sachs disease and allied diseases.
Source:     Canadian Association for Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases

Tay-Sachs Disease - British Columbia

What is Tay-Sachs disease? What causes Tay-Sachs disease? What are the symptoms? How is it diagnosed? Can Tay-Sachs disease be prevented? How is it treated?
Source:     Government of British Columbia - Ministry of Health Services

Tay Sachs Disease - Family Medicine Genetics, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto

Babies with Tay-Sachs appear normal until the age of about six months, at which point they begin to deteriorate rapidly. Typical features include developmental arrest and decline, hyperacussis, macular cherry red spots, blindness, and eventually seizures and failure to thrive.
Source:     Mount Sinai Hospital

Turner's Syndrome Society

Provides information on the Turner's Syndrome Society of Canada as well as information on Turner syndrome.
Source:     Turner's Syndrome Society of Canada