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Health > Medications and Treatments > Drugs and Medications

Offers information on prescription and over-the-counter drugs and medications as well as guidelines for safe use and disposal of medications.

Adverse Reaction Information

The Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Program (CADRMP) is the name of Health Canada's post-market surveillance program that collects and assesses suspected adverse reaction (AR) reports for the following Canadian marketed health products: pharmaceuticals, biologics (including fractionated blood products, as well as therapeutic and diagnostic vaccines), natural health products and radiopharmaceuticals. This site is organized in six main sections : Information on the Adverse Reaction Reporting Centre; advisories and warnings; fact sheets; Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletters; how to report and reports.
Source:     Health Canada

A Safe Prescription - Ontario

As we age the body undergoes many changes. One of the changes that occur is the way our body handles medications. Seniors are more sensitive to the effects of medications.

Drug Product Database (DPD)

The DPD contains product specific information on drugs approved for use in Canada. The database is managed by the Therapeutic Products Directorate and includes human, veterinary and disinfectant products. It contains approximately 20,000 marketed products. Information available in the database includes Brand Name, DIN, Company, Ingredient(s), Route of Administration, Pharmaceutical Form, Package Sizes, Therapeutic Classification, Pharmaceutical Standard and Veterinary Species.
Source:     Health Canada

Drugs and Travel

Consular Affairs site on using drugs and medications in foreign countries, including substances that are legal in Canada but illegal in other countries
Source:     Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

It's Your Health - Buying Drugs over the Internet

If you buy drugs on line, you may be putting your health at serious risk.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Proper Use and Disposal of Medication

There is growing evidence that throwing out or flushing into the water system prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs and other health products may have a harmful effect on the environment.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Safe Use of Medicines

Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines can help cure diseases and make you feel better. However, it is important that you are aware of the risks of each medicine and weigh them against the benefits before you decide to take it.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - The Safety and Effectiveness of Generic Drugs

More and more, generic drugs are being used to fill prescriptions. Canadians want to be sure that generic drugs are as safe and effective as brand name drugs.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Use Medicines Safely

Use this chart to keep track of the medicines you are taking, including over-the-counter, natural health products and prescription drugs.
Source:     Health Canada

Notice of Compliance (NOC) Database

The Notice of Compliance (NOC) Database contains the Health Canada authorization dates of all drugs dating back to 1994 that have received an NOC. The database provides users with information such as a drug's full name, the date it was authorized, the active/medicinal ingredient, the manufacturer, the therapeutic class of the drug, and the Drug Identification Number. The database is updated daily.
Source:     Health Canada

Ce qu'il faut savoir sur la chimiothérapie - Un guide pour la personne en traitement de chimiothérapie

The purpose of this guide is to inform people with cancer and their families about the various aspects of chemotherapy. It provides information on the side effects that chemotherapy patients experience, and sound advice on ways of relieving or preventing them. (Available in French only.
Source:     Fondation québécoise du cancer

Hormone Therapy (HT)

Hormone therapy (HT) is also known as hormone replacement therapy or HRT. It is a hormone treatment prescribed by a doctor. Some women take HRT to offset the lower levels of oestrogen and progesterone that happen naturally at the beginning of menopause.
Source:     Canadian Women's Health Network (CWHN)

It's Your Health - Antibiotic Resistant Germs

There is an increasing concern around the world that certain germs such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are becoming more resistant to antibiotics, which is resulting in fewer effective antibiotics to prevent and treat infections and diseases.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Reye's Syndrome

Reye's Syndrome RS is a rare disease that affects mainly children or teenagers during a viral illness, such as chicken pox or influenza. It can be fatal. The use of ASA (Acetylsalicylic Acid) has been strongly linked with the development of RS.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Safe Use of Health Products Containing Camphor and/or Eucalyptus Oils

Some health products that contain camphor and/or eucalyptus oils can cause serious health problems, including seizures, if they are accidentally swallowed by children.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - The Effects of Grapefruit and its Juice on Certain Drugs

Certain drugs can cause serious or occasionnaly life-threatening effects if consumed in combination with grapefruit or its juice.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Warfarin Interactions with Drugs, Natural Health and Food Products

Many people take the prescription drug warfarin as a blood thinner. If you take warfarin, you should be aware that certain drugs, natural health products and foods can alter the levels of warfarin in your system, and this may cause serious health effects.
Source:     Health Canada

Kids and daily medications: more than just a spoonful of sugar required!

Acknowledges the challenges faced by a family when a child needs to take medication on a regular basis. Lists basic things a parent should know about any kind of medication for their child. Suggests ways in which parents can encourage their child to begin to assume some of the responsibility involved.
Source:     Canadian Health Network

Media Doctor Canada

The goal of Media Doctor Canada is to improve Canadian media coverage of new medical drugs and treatments. Involving a dedicated group of academics from the University of Victoria, the site reviews current news items about medical treatments, assesses their quality using a standardised rating scale, and presents reviews of good and bad examples of reports.
Source:     The Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society (IMPACS)

MedicAlert Canada

MedicAlert is the leading provider of emergency medical information services linked to customized bracelets and necklets for Canadians with medical conditions and special medical needs.
Source:     Canadian MedicAlert Foundation

Therapeutic Products Directorate

Responsible for the regulation of pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices and other therapeutic products available to Canadians. This includes evaluating and monitoring their safety, effectiveness and quality.
Source:     Health Canada

Fact Sheet - Compliance Inspections of Canadian Pharmacy Sites Selling Prescription Drugs Via the Internet or Other Forms of Distance Dispensing

With the growing business of prescription drug sales over the internet, Health Canada is working with a number of its partners to protect the health and safety of Canadians. The department has released a summary report of compliance of inspections of internet pharmacies. Compliance inspections are part of ongoing activities performed by the Inspectorate to assess compliance of stakeholders to the Food and Drugs Act and Food and Drug Regulations.
Source:     Health Canada

Pharmaceutical purchases for Canada's National Emergency Stockpile System (NESS)

Pharmaceutical products are being purchased to enhance the existing stock in the National Emergency Stockpile System.
Source:     Health Canada