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Health > Seniors > Injury Prevention

+Falls Prevention

12 steps to stair safety at home

Stairs are an important cause of falls resulting in serious injury or death of seniors. This one-page checklist reminds seniors of the common hazards in stairways, and the proper ways to set up and use your stairs.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Bruno and Alice (A love story in 12 parts about seniors and safety)

This series of twelve illustrated stories follows the whimsical romance of two active seniors who, through lack of prevention, end up in awkward situations and almost miss their rendez-vous with love. The stories offer insight into some of the personal preventive measures seniors can take to make their environment safer and prevent injuries.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Go for it! A Guide to choosing and using assistive devices

A thorough and user-friendly document designed to encourage seniors to explore and use available assistive devices to improve their quality of life.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Help yourself to assistive devices! Information for seniors and veterans

If you find that you experience discomfort or fear doing activities you once loved, or if you've started to avoid certain situations, it's possible that an assistive device can help you overcome your difficulties. This fact sheet provides information on assistive devices, their use and where you can obtain them.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Promising Pathways - A Handbook of Best Practices

Falls represent a serious and widespread problem in Canada, with about one third of older Canadians experiencing a fall each year, and many suffering the pain and loss of independence that often result. Promising Pathways provides information on the most effective strategies and interventions for reducing falls and preventing injuries among seniors who live in the community. This handbook was designed for professionals and others who work with seniors and veterans in the community.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Safe Living Guide for Seniors

This guide offers some ideas about what you can do to prevent injuries in and around your home. It looks at two main areas: your home and yourself.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Safety Poster: There are 14 dangerous things in this poster

This poster illustration is of a senior's living room and contains fourteen common dangers that can cause seniors to injure themselves at home. Can you spot all of them? For distribution in areas frequented by seniors and their caregivers, seniors' residences, seniors' centres, waiting rooms, community halls, etc.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Seniors during emergencies and disasters: vulnerable, yet resilient

Seniors can be at risk when disaster strikes. They can also contribute to planning and assistance.
Source:     Canadian Health Network