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Health > Seniors > Medication Use

A Safe Prescription - Ontario

As we age the body undergoes many changes. One of the changes that occur is the way our body handles medications. Seniors are more sensitive to the effects of medications.

Caution: Medications!

Much has changed in the decade since Expression last looked at the issue of seniors and medication. This edition of Expression looks at the trends, the issues and their impact on seniors' health. It also suggests a number of questions seniors should have answers to before taking any medication.
Source:     National Advisory Council on Aging

It's Your Health - Buying Drugs over the Internet

If you buy drugs on line, you may be putting your health at serious risk.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Proper Use and Disposal of Medication

There is growing evidence that throwing out or flushing into the water system prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs and other health products may have a harmful effect on the environment.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Safe Use of Medicines

Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines can help cure diseases and make you feel better. However, it is important that you are aware of the risks of each medicine and weigh them against the benefits before you decide to take it.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - The Safety and Effectiveness of Generic Drugs

More and more, generic drugs are being used to fill prescriptions. Canadians want to be sure that generic drugs are as safe and effective as brand name drugs.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Use Medicines Safely

Use this chart to keep track of the medicines you are taking, including over-the-counter, natural health products and prescription drugs.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Warfarin Interactions with Drugs, Natural Health and Food Products

Many people take the prescription drug warfarin as a blood thinner. If you take warfarin, you should be aware that certain drugs, natural health products and foods can alter the levels of warfarin in your system, and this may cause serious health effects.
Source:     Health Canada

Medication Matters: How you can help seniors use medication safely

Medication Matters: How You Can Help Seniors Use Medication Safely was developed by Health Canada to help you, as a health professional, give seniors the information they need to use medication safely. Health Canada recognizes that how you tell seniors about their medication is as important as what you tell them.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Sleeping pills and tranquillizers - Important information for Seniors

Sleeping pills and tranquillizers are medicine which may help your: anxiety, stress, sleeping problems.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Stop the pain!

Seniors are more likely than people in other age groups to have conditions that cause pain, such as arthritis, osteoporosis or diabetes. Unfortunately, they're also more likely to suffer with untreated pain, for reasons explored in this issue of Expression.
Source:     National Advisory Council on Aging

**See Also: Medications and Treatments

Information related to this topic.
Source:     Canada Health Portal