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Health > Travel > Conditions and Diseases

Offers information about specific diseases or conditions that may be encountered in other countries, including risks and potential causes, prevention, and treatment.

Airplane Ear - Ontario

Doctors call it barotrauma or barotitis media but the common name for this uncomfortable condition is airplane ear. Your ears can hurt when you fly because of an imbalance in pressure between your middle ear and the cabin of the airplane.


If you are an international traveller, learn more about cholera worldwide, along with the latest Health Canada recommendations on prevention.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Dengue Fever

If you are an international traveller, learn more about dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever worldwide, along with the latest Health Canada recommendations on prevention.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Diarrhea Associated with Travel to the Tropics

Each year, thousands of Canadian sun-seekers return home with more than just memories from their trip. Nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhea can be some of the more unpleasant side-effects from a winter get-away in the sun, if simple precautions for food and water are not followed.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Hepatitis A

General advice about hepatitis A prevention for Canadians travelling internationally.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada


If you are an international traveller, learn more about HIV and AIDS worldwide and recommendations on prevention.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Jet lag: feeling the health effects of long-distance travel

Take our 'true or false quiz' for helpful tips to prevent jet lag on your next more
Source:     Canadian Health Network


Leptospirosis occurs worldwide, in both urban and rural, developed and undeveloped areas, and is most common in tropical and subtropical areas with high rainfall and flooding. The bacteria is often spread during a period of flooding after heavy rainfall, as the bacteria can spread to open surface water.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada


Information on malaria, the risks, prevention, symptoms and treatment. Malaria is an acute flu-like illness caused by one of four species of parasite of the genus Plasmodium.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada


Morbillivirus in the family Paramyxoviridae. It is one of the best known and deadliest of all childhood rash and febrile illnesses. In severe cases, complications such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, middle ear infection and encephalitis (a dangerous infection of the brain causing inflammation) may occur.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is known by many names, e.g., car sickness, sea sickness, air sickness, space sickness, and motion maladaption syndrome.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada


Rubella, also known as German measles, is caused by the rubella virus, a togavirus of the genus rubivirus. Although usually a mild febrile disease in children, when contracted by women during early pregnancy, rubella frequently leads to a serious and sometimes fatal condition in the unborn child, known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS).
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Information on how to reduce your risk of STDs while travelling. STDs occur worldwide, and range in severity from a nuisance to life-threatening. Some are easily cured, but others, if not treated or if incurable, can have serious effects on your health.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Travel Health Advisory : Mad Cow Disease or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in Europe

The cause of Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease appears to be the consumption of beef and beef products from cattle infected with mad cow disease. Health Canada is aware of travellers' concerns about mad cow disease in Europe and makes several recommendations.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Travel Statement on Jet Lag

The term "jet lag" refers to a variety of physical and psychological symptoms associated with the rapid crossing multiple time zones (meridians). These are due primarily disturbance intrinsic or endogenous circadian rhythm sleep cycle.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Typhoid fever

Travellers to countries with inadequate water and sewage treatment are at risk of acquiring typhoid and should take precautions to avoid consumption of potentially contaminated food and water.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is constantly present (i.e., endemic) in many tropical areas of South America and Africa.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada