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Offers resources on cancer (or neoplasms) including warning signs and symptoms, risk factors, prevention, support, treatment, and links to information on specific cancers.

+Bladder Cancer
+Bone Cancer
+Brain Cancer
+Breast Cancer
+Cervical Cancer
+Colorectal Cancer
+Endometrial Cancer
+Esophageal Cancer
+Hodgkin's Disease
+Kidney Cancer
+Laryngeal Cancer
+Liver Cancer
+Lung Cancer
+Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
+Oral Cancer
+Ovarian Cancer
+Pancreatic Cancer
+Prostate Cancer
+Skin Cancer
+Stomach Cancer
+Testicular Cancer
+Thyroid Cancer

Canadian Cancer Society

The Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. It's vision is to create a world where no Canadian fears cancer.
Source:     Canadian Cancer Society


This site offers an overview of the disease as well as risks. It also offers links to information on specific cancers.
Source:     Health Canada


This section offers resources on prevention, early detection and treatment options for different types of cancer
Source:     Canadian Health Network

Reduce your risk of cancer...starting today!

A healthy diet and regular physical activity can make a significant difference in reducing your risk of cancer... [Read more]
Source:     Canadian Health Network

Reducing your risk to cancer: seven steps to health

Following the Canadian Cancer Society's Seven Steps to Health can help each of us to reduce our risk of cancer and change those numbers.
Source:     Canadian Health Network

Cancer Health Centre

Cancer isn't one disease, but a group of diseases, which cause cells in the body to change and grow out of control. Information on breast, cervical, colorectal, endometrial, lung, ovarian and skin cancers
Source:     Women's Health Matters

Cancer Statistics

Information about cancer incidence and survival in Canada.
Source:     Statistics Canada

Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'anémie, la fatigue et le cancer

Fatigue is one of the most common side effects of cancer. This brochure will give people with cancer and their families a better understanding of the anemia and fatigue that cancer and its treatment can cause. (Available in French only).
Source:     Fondation québécoise du cancer

Bien manger pour mieux vivre - Conseils diététiques pour la personne en traitement contre le cancer

The purpose of this guide is to inform people with cancer and their families about the importance of a healthy diet during cancer treatment. The first part of the guide focuses on cancer treatment and the importance of nutrition. The second part deals with the side effects of cancer and cancer treatment, and provides suggestions and recipes for relieving discomfort. (Available in French only.)
Source:     Fondation québécoise du cancer

Cancer Surveillance On-Line

The following pages of this website will provide you with the most current cancer statistics in Canada. You will be able to look at trends in cancer incidence by province and territory, by age group, over time, and for about 45 different cancer sites. Both graphs and tables will be displayed and instructions will be available for downloading the information to your personal computer.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Ce qu'il faut savoir sur la chimiothérapie - Un guide pour la personne en traitement de chimiothérapie

The purpose of this guide is to inform people with cancer and their families about the various aspects of chemotherapy. It provides information on the side effects that chemotherapy patients experience, and sound advice on ways of relieving or preventing them. (Available in French only.
Source:     Fondation québécoise du cancer

Quand les mots vous manquent... - Lorsque le cancer frappe au travail - Que dire ? Que faire ?

If you find out that a colleague has cancer "Make an effort to listen" You will find the words to comfort the person. (Available in French only.)
Source:     Fondation québécoise du cancer

Cancer record, newsletter for cancer registries in Canada

The Cancer record is a biannual newsletter for Cancer Registries in Canada produced at Statistics Canada by the Health Statistics Division.
Source:     Statistics Canada

This Battle Which I Must Fight: Cancer in Canada's Children and Teenagers

Features information on psychosocial impact of cancer on families.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada