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Health > Seniors > Injury Prevention > Falls Prevention

You CAN prevent falls!

One third of Canadian seniors experience a fall each year, and half of those more than once. Forty percent of those falls result in hip fractures, often causing disability, loss of independence or death. Yet falls can be prevented! This 4-page illustrated information sheet shows how simple adjustments to your home and lifestyle can keep you safe and on your feet. Download this document in PDF format.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

It's Your Health - Seniors and Aging - Preventing Falls in and around Your Home

Anyone can fall, but the risk of falling becomes greater with age. There are a number of simple steps you can take in and around your home to help prevent falls and the injuries caused by falling.
Source:     Health Canada

Report on Seniors' falls in Canada

Fall-related injuries in Canada are nine times more frequent among seniors than among other age groups and are the cause of 62% of seniors' injuries requiring hospitalization. These falls are the cause of invalidity, reduced quality of life and social contact, institutionalization, shortened lives, and immense costs to the Canadian health system. Report on Seniors' falls in Canadadescribes not only the incidence and consequences of seniors' falls, but also a review of known factors for falls among seniors, and evidence of current best practices and programs to prevent seniors' falls. The report provides 64 pages of valuable information for health policy makers and health practitioners working with seniors. Technical reports on the data and analyses carried out are available on the website.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

You can prevent falls: By following these tips!

To improve your chances of keeping safe and not falling, use this list and post in a convenient spot for frequent checking.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

You can prevent falls: By having a safe home and lifestyle!

Most falls occur at home - especially in the kitchen, on the stairs and in the bathroom. Here are some ideas to make the inside and the outside of your home a safer place for you.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

You can prevent falls: By improving your health!

Your health is just as important as a safe environment in preventing falls and reducing the risk of injury. By improving your diet, increasing your strength and monitoring your balance, hearing, eyesight and medication, you can considerably increase your chances of avoiding falls.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

You can prevent falls: By involving your community!

Most people aren't aware of some of the easy steps that can be taken to protect them against falls.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

You can prevent falls: By reducing the risks!

As we get older, our bodies change and we can become more susceptible to falls. Certain risks can be eliminated and others considerably reduced by simple prevention measures.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

You can prevent falls: Falls Prevention Resources

Falls prevention resources for setting up community programs on falls prevention.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

You can prevent falls: It's a fact!

Falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries among senior Canadians and account for more than half of all injuries among seniors. Falls are the most preventable risk to health among senior Canadians.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

You can prevent falls - The Falls Prevention Initiative

What is the Falls Prevention Initiative? Why the emphasis on falls? How does the Falls Prevention Initiative assist communities?
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada